• Delicious porridge , steaming hot
    Some fresh coffee in the pot
    The table beautifully laid
    A place for you , one for dad
    Another for your little lad
    Father shouted"Oh my , gee whizz!
    Oh dear , how hot this porridge is,"

    "Lets take a stroll along the street
    Until it is cool enough to eat
    A nice little walk , a little stroll
    Is good for people on the whole."
    No living wife would dare to question
    Such a sensible suggestion.
    No sooner you look down the road
    You spy no-other than Goldilocks, that little toad
    That nosey thieving little louse
    Comes sneaking into your deserted house!!

    The delcious food upon the table placed with upmost care
    Made the daring thief glare
    Upon the table adorned with goods
    Whilst glaring back to the woods
    She took a gulp of the treats
    She hated the first one , it wasnt that sweet
    She tasted the second bowl , not much of a feat
    The third bowl she found a delectible treat.

    Her full stomach made her weary
    She mumbled "Oh gosh , Oh dearie"
    She stumbled over the wooden floor
    Over to one of the three chairs by the door
    The first she sat on made her bottom sore
    The second chair she sat on was lumpy
    The third chair was just right - Until the legs broke which left her oh-so grumpy.

    Glaring at the ridgid stairs with her tired eyes she thought 'I guess i'll go rest up there'
    Her black shoes tapping on the wooden stairs;
    Her eyes wandering else where
    Sleeping thoughts through her head
    Whilst she threw her self on the nearest bed.

    The first bed she tried she found too hard
    The second bed she tried was too soft
    The third bed she tried she found just right and tucked herself in oh-so tight.

    The three bears then returned home from a nice little stroll
    To soon find out that in their bowls
    There was not a single scrap of food left for one person to eat
    The three bears found this not much of a treat

    Stomping all the way over to the chairs
    Papa bear looked down and started to stare
    Then he announced "Someone has been sitting in MY chair!"
    Mama bear glanced down at her chair and squealed "Someones been sitting in my chair too!"
    Tears swelled up in Baby bears eyes as he squeaked "Someones been sitting in my chair too , and the fat lump has broken it in two!!"

    Glaring behind him , back at the stairs
    Papa bear then decided to declare
    "I think that some-ones sleeping up there..."
    His padded feet glided up the stairs
    Pushing the door open, he began to stare
    At the figure lying there
    Papa bear declared "I Think i've found SOMEONE else to eat..."

    And that was the end of Goldilocks