• faster, faster run, fly, got to get away
    almost there yet can get away
    hurry, hurry their coming
    faster, faster fly, run, escape
    never to be known
    never to be remembered
    hurry, hurry they're getting faster
    life, death
    faster, faster fly, run, get away
    light, dark
    hurry, hurry they're on their way
    run faster, Fly away
    almost there yet can't get away
    never to be known
    never to be remembered
    safe, sound.
    but wait what was that?
    howls, hoofs
    have to go faster
    run, jump, fly, faster faster
    have to get away
    could that slow them down?
    can Death be slowed by anything?
    don’t think. Just go.
    swim, fly, run faster
    aware of all the intelligent eyes that watch you flee
    that could stop you but wont
    for they too believe that you should be free
    hurry, hurry they're getting closer
    death, lies
    all the stories you could tell
    ease the hearts of so many, even though
    you're never to be known
    to never be remembered
    born to be noble
    but corrupted by death, lies, greed, jealousy, and curiosity
    faster, faster run, jump, fly away
    so close, yet so far away
    all the stories that could be told
    to everyone young and old
    ease the hearts of the ones who knew the killed
    the innocent
    the loved, the brave
    yet at the same time hated
    by those who could not understand
    kings, queens, princes, princess, peasant, slave, man, woman
    we're all the same
    yet some still hate
    while others have to, STOP, stop thinking just
    run, jump, fly, and flee
    faster, faster have to get away
    stories, evidence
    never to be known
    never to be remembered
    hurry, hurry they're coming closer
    must get away
    must destroy the hate
    all you are is information the King of Death wants hidden
    just a little piece yet enough to ruin
    run, hide
    never to be known
    never to see light
    hurry, hurry he wants you back
    climb a tree
    hide away
    but oh no, the hounds
    they have stopped under your tree
    pointing to Death their find
    'cut down the tree' you hear before you start to jump
    from tree to tree, branch to branch
    hounds confused, start to bark and scatter
    Death again, tries to summon you with your spell
    finally admitting that he has to share you
    with the world when you do not return
    his little piece of information
    his keeper of all
    stories, evidence
    to always be remembered
    faster, faster run, fly
    for finally you can see the light