• Im sitting right there
    But you dont see me
    Your talking to her
    but you wont talk to me
    She lays on your shoulder
    And I start to cry
    Its hard to belive
    Its a 2hr drive
    You laugh and talk
    As I coutinue to cry
    You flat out ignore me
    everytime I try
    When you get hurt
    I help you out
    When you get messy
    I pig out
    When your all alone
    I sit next to you
    And you still dont notice me
    But I notice you
    What must I do
    For you to notice me
    How must I play
    For you to play with me
    How must I dress
    for you to look at me
    the same way you look at her
    everyone is always
    kidding around
    by saying
    You guys should get married
    or get a room
    And wat must I Say
    For you to include me
    All I ask for
    Is for you to notice me