The girl with the wool-scarf hair, walking down the halls, feeling the magnetism she pulls, but seeing it nowhere in the eyes of her peers. That's me. The girl with no friends. The girl with more friends than anyone else. From the amazingly cute cheerleader to the ridiculously unpopular goth kid with the tired face, she has them all in her grip.
“Why do they look at me? Why do they speak?” she thinks, and truly she doesn't know. From the girl with the loud voice captured in an elfin body, to the walking tower with the ladybugs step, they always talk back, never dodge her.
“They cannot like me, my faults are written clearly on my face.” But they do. She's got cheery blonde girls with grins plastered onto their faces, and quiet rosebuds ready to bloom, standing by to give her a hello. She has the boy-band maniac and the one in love with pink waiting for her bus to come. She has all the people in the world to love her, and all she can say is “Why won't he? If they're capable, why not him?”
There was a time when the girl made from pure purple magic had that friend. A time when they could truly talk. They would talk for hours and help each other through problems with family or friends. She helped him with his girlfriend, he helped her with her loneliness. But that time left her, It left her with an empty feeling, a feeling of abandonment. She was Humpty Dumpty, and he was “all the kings horses and men”-as he liked to put it. He said he would fix her. He said he would do “whatever it takes”. He lied.
She was left alone while he was brutally dumped by the loud voice and left to die. By the end of that year, the elfin one, the cheerleader, the tower, the goth, none of them mattered. He was dead. “She killed him. My friend is gone” she couldn't stop repeating it. By the time he had replaced her, she violently hated his ex. Yet, every time the elf approached her, the girls silly grin would stretch across her face.
Now she's wondering “Maybe he never changed. Maybe she never left him for dead. Maybe I changed. I changed into someone that everyone but him likes? How is that possible?” And everyday the girl with the pandas filling her room smiles and talks to him- acts like the girl taking her place next to him doesn't bother her. She's surrounded by love, so she continues on, and maybe someday she'll be happy, someday she will admit she's loved, and someday, from this day on, I will be there for you.
Just how random do memories...
Substitute teachers make ev...
Yes I was a warrior.
Then ...
There was a lot of strange ...
Once had to rewrite a nurse...