origin of a dictator chapter 1
over 40 years ago in the world of darkness was the birth of an young baby named tutakion. Yet the Tutakion is as evil as any demans can be. the child have grow stronger and stronger as each day has past. he became so powerful the he created a demonic slave for himself named makai. Eventually both of them became unstopable. Tutakion became king of darkness and is about to begin his evil reign.
*shows dark knights marching into a huge city*
makai: *kneels befor tutakion who is sitting on a throne* my master i would like to personally congratuate you on become king of darkness
Tutakion: BAH its not enough. i want more power over all of the worlds.
*starts to show dark knights pulling out thier lances, guns, swords, axe, etc*
(note: in the world of darkness the power of darkness isnt allways can be use to attack and defend. Everyone in that world is able to creat every shadow and darkness into any type of objects. the bigger the darkness the bigger the objects are.)
makai: so what do you inspect us to do?
tutakion: *stand up then walks to the balcony where he sees countless of dark knights waiting outside of his castel the turns to makai and gives him a evil smile* why by ******** up everything of course
*in 2 pages shows dark knights blowing up buildings and brutally killing everyone in thier path.
tutakion: to those who rebel against me
*shows some citizans trying to fight back*
tutakion: leave no man alive
*shows the citizans that was rebeling geting killed by the dark knights*
tutakion: to those who trys to destroy me politically
*shows a couple of well dressed people argueing each other on a table*
tutakion: burn them alive with hells fire
*shows a dark knight kicking a door down and useing a flamethrower to kill the well dressed people*
tutakion: know this you will never stop me, i will rule all of your missable lives.
*16 years later*
makai: master we have conquered and stole all the power to this universe
tutakion: ITS NOT ENOUGH!!! I WANT MORE!!!
makai: master i say that we should invade this universe next called the milky way. its not as powerful as anybody in this universe but it will do
tutakion: fine *stands up* ill come along then
*shows tutakion *marching towerds the war ships along with a army behind him then 6 warships started to take off to space*
*7 hours later*
tutakion: *in the bridge sitting on the captions chair shrrounded by guards and pilots while makai is standing right behind him* are we ******** allmost there yet? i want to make a blood ocean allready.
pilot: yes sir we are just about t- what the hell? UNKNOWN OBJECTS APPROCHING!!
tutakion: *stands up* WHAT!?!?!?! *looks at the window to outer space*
*shows angels showing up whith swords then shows then sliceing thier way to the warships and manage to blow up 3 of them*
makai: *has an emotionless face as he watches the battle*
tutakion: WHAT THE ******** IS GOING ON!?!?!?!
pilot: sir i do-
*the door burst open than an angel flys in the middle of the room holding a diekatana*
pilots and guards: DAMN ITS THE ENEMY *pulls out thier weapons and points at the angel*
*the angel quickly and smoothly kill every guard and pilots then points his diakatana at tutakion and makai*
tutakion: *did nothing for awhile then has an evil smile* that was inpressive. now why are you doing this?
william: i am the william a servent of guard. i am here to sent you to hell.
origin of a dictator chapter 1
origin is my most greatest manga idea i ever had. however befor i can turn origins into a manga i have to turn it into a novel first.In origins there are story of each main character. they are origins of the dictator origin of the fallen, origins of the ninja, origins of the bastered, and origins of the bounty hunter. when all storys is finish it comes down to the finial battle for freedom.
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