Each step harder to take, each one closer to the dark cloud that hangs high over head, looking up towards the crystal clear structure the name “Korbitron Inc.” is clearly seen. The weight of which I must now do begin to take hold, I am about to face the toughest challenge ever put forth in front of me. Mother what would you say if you knew the reckless action I am about to partake in. How long has it been, how many years have I gone without hearing your words mother...?
“Kazu, hurry up or we will miss breakfast!” shouted a familiar voice.
Getting up groggily I rub my eyes and respond to my mother with my sleepless night breaking through in my voice. The waves were rough the night before, the cruise line rocked back and forth with the balance shifting too much to be assuring. The crew and captain all stated it was nothing even my mother tried to comfort me telling me that there was nothing to fear.
As we sat for breakfast on the deck of the ship families with mothers, brothers, fathers and even sisters could be seen all happy, playful and enjoying the ocean breeze. Indeed it was calm all was steady, the ship solid as land upon the sea. But my heart still ached.
“What’s wrong sweetie? Still feeling a bit nauseous from yesterday’s ruckus?” my mother asked.
I shook my head but placed my hands upon the folded fading blue shades that hanged on my collar. “I miss father.” A touchy subject, the void so recent still cannot be so easily swept away. The chime of metal as my mother’s fork was placed upon the plate. Her eyes filled with remorse and hurt but she smiled anyway more for her own sake then my own. She grabbed my other hand that was on the table and gripped tightly. Her eyes no longer hurting she said, “I miss him too Kazu, but we shouldn’t be saddened by his death. What do you think he would say if he saw us like this?” She was right, father was never one to be stuck in despair. “Always look forward towards the light,” I replied. Her smile returned and so did mine it is hard not to be sad but that would be something father would never want from us, to be sad because of him.
Several Days after the storm
I was lost alone, surrounded by an endless ocean of despair, waves of hopelessness and fear striking the little orange boat for which I called home. The sun never easing up heating the orange life craft and my limbs to unimaginable temperatures, my body can no longer keep me cool, sweat nonexistent. Who could have known that that storm from before was a warning? A warning for disaster yet to occur, panic screams, cries for family members. In the chaos of the second storm we did not see, I was separated from the only person I had left. Her shouts and tears still ring in my ears, “Kazu. Kazu! KAZU!”, During the storm I entered a life vessel only for it to prematurely launch. The waves pushed me further and further from the others, from my mother; her cries being deafened by the winds.
Nights and days passed, the North Star no longer visible in the night sky. I was drifting further and further from home. The equipment on board useless even with lessons my father taught me I could no longer distinguish where I was on the map. I gave up. Without hope I began waiting for death to take me, to take me to my father. Maybe then I can no longer feel this pain, this sorrow. The sun began to set the night was such as harsh as the day reaching temperatures rivaling that of the Arctic. A blue flash of light hits my retina flinching at the unexpected light. I look across the bow to see the glasses I had thrown just days before. I had forgotten and with a smirk and unknown strength I rise from the floor. The pain long gone, the hunger forgotten I stagger no I stride towards the glasses hearing the words of my father. “As you begin to lose hope never forget,” I kneel down grabbing the lenses carefully with my fingers. “The strength to fight this darkness lies within you.” Looking carefully at the shades that once was my father. “When in doubt put on these shades,” I put them on. “And always look forward towards the light!” I turn around facing the setting sun and from within the sun itself, “For hope will always be in sight!”
I remember the joy and hope the rescue vessel brought to my heart. But the news they brought was not one of such happiness. They tried their best to tell me as easily and soft as they could but no words of lollipops and gumdrops could assist the darkness that began to grow once more.
[/align]The Funeral
Is this the hope you spoke of father? Living in a world of darkness? Surrounded by down pouring sorrow and clashes of despair? It seems the world agrees with this. The storm high over head is getting worse and many of our so called family are already leaving on account of it. The tears keep coming; I cannot stop this darkness in my heart.
No matter how many times I read the inscription, no matter how many times I wished it to be false, my heart grew more shattered with every tear. “Here lies Mister Kazuki Genji and Misses Hikari Genji, may their memory and dreams live on in their legacy.” Why must I suffer so father?
“Poor child,” an unknown feminine voice said from the departing crowd “only seven years of age and to lose so much…” More voices each commented on my misery my misfortune. Each voice slowly becoming nothing more than whispers, my hand tightened upon the only thing remained of my family, the shades that were supposed to bring me hope.
At that moment a hand was placed upon my shoulder. I looked up with tears still running down my check into the eyes of Sensei, a man who has been with my father and mother for as long as I could remember. This man was the closest thing I had to family; he was a sort of unofficial guardian. His eyes, sad but stern, wisdom and age were all apparent. He kneeled down his eyes leveled with mine; he placed his arms around my body and not saying a word allowed me to cry my remaining tears, yelling in hatred and anger towards nothing and everything.
As I cried myself to sleep but before I dozed off into the world of dreams a voice, a dark voice spoke as he approached me and Sensei.
“Excuse me old man, but I believe that child has something that belongs to us.”
The rest is all a blur, all I recall afterwards was me waking up on Sensei’s back and the shades of my father were now placed upon my head his breath was heavy and his clothes torn and dirty. He looked back towards me, his eyes reassuring told me “Don’t worry little one, I will keep you safe.”
I take my time though a life is on the line I must be cautious, I enter the revolving door of Korbitron Inc. Its spin changing as I jump from one mind set to the next. My appearance does not go unnoticed as guards appear, my arrival was expected. Each one taking place near the entrance surrounding me, some unsure what to expect others look at me waiting for me to give an excuse to strike. One guard near the Security Station in the back begins to communicate with someone over the intercom. His words low but clear.
“Mr. Korbin sir, a young man as appeared as you said he would. Should we let him in?” He asks with a hint of uncertainty behind his voice. The com responds the man in charge I assume. “Please escort the boy to the laboratory if you would. Take any precautions you feel are necessary.” No hint of emotion from his voice. The guards around me three in total begin to move closer preparing to “escort” me; one even has the right mind to take out a pair of metal cuffs. Korbin speaks again and adds one last thing before he ends communication. He asks them to be civilized. Too bad I’m not in the mood. I jump and using my momentum I begin to spin, kicking each guard that was foolish enough to overlook my youth.
Days after the funeral, so soon too truly care I was taken within the wilderness of Japan brought for training and protection. Protection from what though: the world, people, or myself? No matter how many times I asked, Sensei would not say. The forest, forever and lost gave a sort of calm but unsettling feeling. Noise nonexistent, the wind flowing through the trees was the only sound. Only our footfalls upon the rocky path gave proof to life. We traveled far within the wild I was unsure of my Sensei’s intentions.
“Sensei, are we sure this is the correct path? It feels like ages since we last saw civilization.” I asked with uncertainty and doubt creeping in.
He replied while looking back towards me with a smile “Don’t worry little one we are heading somewhere safe.” Again that word ‘safe’. Why would we need to be somewhere so secluded to feel safe and secured? But indeed as I continued to follow Sensei down the path to this unseen protection I began to feel lost no wait, not lost but serine. A sound, I heard something other than us far in the distance. A continuous sound and we seem to be approaching it. My Sensei’s pace did not change but his mood seemed to brighten. Indeed the atmosphere here was different it was a change I did not notice sooner.
“We have arrived.” Sensei said and as soon as he spoke those words the path began to clear. The enclosed forest that we traveled for what seemed eternal was now nothing more than a magnificent scene. The mountainous cliff side bearing fruits of water down its front while surrounded by trees and cherry blossoms yet to bloom. I was at a loss for words at the very definition of heaven.
Sensei’s smile grew. Something about this place lightens the mood upon any ravaged soul, including mine. Sensei’s finger was pointing toward the base of the waterfall and stated we will be staying there for now. I was bewildered by that remark. I did not understand what he meant and Sensei saw no, knew of my confusion beforehand and only stated that not all are what they appear. Again I looked and still did not see anything. Rocks, water, leaves, nothing near the base of the fall got my attention. What did he mean? One last time, I told myself. I looked again, trying to see what he wanted me to see. Again the same objects that I could see mocked my ignorance were the only thing I could catch, the rocks guarding the fall, the rushing liquid of life flowing down the cliff’s side and the orange green leaf behind the fall.
Wait, orange leaf? I looked again and sure enough a small orange glow was visible behind the stream. I assumed that was just a cherry blossom how could I have been so dense? “Don’t assume what you see, know what lies ahead.” was all Sensei said before continuing forward toward the base of the fall. Indeed unless one knew where to look it would be impossible to see this cavern. Behind the fall was a long narrow cave, the ceiling was covered with numerous stalagmites and down this path which I later discovered was the home and sanctuary of my Sensei.
I spent years training, developing my mind, body, and spirit under Sensei’s harsh regimes. I never did complain, no matter how harsh or insane the task may have been. I was here to get stronger nothing more. Yet, I still felt weak. Could this be a waste?
It wasn’t a waste, Master Kensei. The men hired to do nothing but stand around now litter the floor with their unconscious bodies. I approach the back of the lobby heading for the elevators. As I approach the security station one of the many elevators on the side opens up. Nothing exits; its doors wide open as if waiting for something. No time for hesitation, I enter the small metal prison giving myself off to my enemy.
The doors lock sealing my fate. It begins to ascend the numbers on the display begin to take suit. Two, Three, Four…
“Five, Six, come on Kazu you can do better than this!” Sensei yells in my ear. The sweat and pain are getting to me. Sensei still not pleased with my weakness begins to apply more of his body weight onto my back. The pushups taking a heavier toll on my body, I collapse on to the floor. Sensei is displeased.
“Five years and you still can’t finish the 300th set?” he sighs, “Take a break, I have something I need to take care of. I will be back in a little while.” He throws a towel in my direction and added; “when I get back your training will continue”. He leaves off to who knows where. This was not the first time he left me in my weakness.
I returned to my small stale room. Its floor littered with scrolls and books, each text covering a different subject a different topic of study the Master had given me. He was my instructor and teacher in the way of life yet, I still did not know why. It angered me. Why?! Why does he treat me in high regards! Why can’t I live up to his expectations! I threw the towel of doubt and hesitation on to the hardwood floor.
Damn, I need to clear my head. Leaving the safety of the cavern I ventured off into the mountains. The view always did the trick. Still, even with this training have I gotten stronger? I looked upon my body testing and flexing my muscles but as I did I could not see any improvement in form or shape. Depressed I contained my stroll.
A scream! I looked around but the foliage was too thick to see through. The path towards the cliff I choose today was the longest and densest part of the forest, poor choice indeed. Again, the same scream but clearer. Her voice now haunting my skull.
“The waterfall!” I realized and began my sprint towards the cries of help. Run, run Kazu! And I did, passing trunk after trunk dodging branch after branch towards the sound. Why? Why am I trying to save this person? No one saved me when I needed it. I began to slow, losing the will to continue. No one saved mother…
No, not again I won’t allow anyone to feel the same despair! My speed and stamina was beginning to return to me. With newfound strength I returned to the river connected to the base of the fall. I began to quickly search upon the top of the fall to see who was shouting the cries. My vantage point was not most desirable as I could barely see the top. Just then a figure appeared. Hard to see the sun’s light was just behind the person. I quickly put my hand upon my collar where my father’s blue sunglasses were. Even with the heirloom upon my face I still could not see clearly but I could tell she was in trouble, something must be chasing her. She looked around helplessly looking for a way of escape. She was trapped.
I have to get to her. Without thinking I began running towards the base. Jumping upon one rock unto another I began climbing the sheer Cliffside towards the top. Without another pedestal to use, leaping as high as I could, my arms stretching towards the wall, my hands grasping upon the unforgivable granite I began to climb further up. Without realizing it I scaled more than half way of the cliff.
A sound of an angry beast caught my attention. A native bear no doubt. She really is in trouble, I have to hurry! But, my efforts were not enough as one final yell was heard. I looked up in time to see the girl was falling. A million questions were going unanswered in my cranium as I saw her descend high above me. I knew she would not survive the fall if she continued to drop at that rate. Without a care for my own safety I pushed myself off the wall jumping towards her.
As my arms began to encircle her limp body I saw it. High above the late afternoon sky was the moon. My mind began to wander back to a time where my curiosity and innocence was still intact.
“The moon?”
“Yes, the moon.” My mother once told me. “You and your father are just like the moon. You see the moon does not shine its own light so it relies on the assistance of a close friend to save him from the darkness.”
“I don’t get it mother. How am I like the moon?” I asked.
“ Yohohoho! Because sweetie don’t you feel sad when you’re alone but full of joy when around those you care about?” I nodded my head in agreement. “See, the moon sits there in the darkness of space alone. He can only see what’s around him but no one can see his loneliness.” She said as she sat me down on her lap. “But, when the sun’s rays of light hit the surface of the moon the darkness surrounding the moon is lifted. It’s as if the moon received a whole new happier existence.”
“So, the sun is the moon’s light?” I asked innocently.
“Exactly sweetie, don’t forget that if you ever lose hope or if the darkness in your heart grows remember there is always someone there to help you out.” And with that my world begins to fade.
The metal doors of the cold heartless lift begin to open as the steel coffin slowed to a stop. Behind the doors lay the source of my distress. The laboratory high above the ground floor was covered in a sort of dark haze. No natural light invades this closed environment. Even with the artificial light surrounding the many terminals and experiments, the uneasy feeling that lay in this room was not so easily lifted.
Upon entry I was greeted by another set of guards but these were different. They had equipped a sort of exoskeleton; their brown earthly appearance was an extreme contrast to our current surroundings. I began to crouch preparing to strike when the man who started this fiasco began to speak.
“Welcome, Little Genji. To be honest I was expecting that old man to a comply you.” Disappointment in the voice of Korbin was apparent. “No matter things will be easier to clean up now.”
My eyes, filled with the years of toil moil and hate as I saw the man for the first time. His demander does not change as he looks upon my eyes. Instead he smile grows even more. Before I could act upon the rage in my heart Korbin shows the reason why I am here. Within a clear holding tube a girl my age was trapped. She was unconscious but her beauty did not decrease.
“Indeed, you are nothing but a helpless boy, giving into your emotions so quickly. Remember you are here to give us what we want.”
Without a word a man in a white lab coat and all ready balding head appears behind the guards with a sort of hand console. He asks for the pair of blue shades that guided me through my darkest hours and my finger to be placed on a sort of pad upon the small black contraption. Regrettably I comply handing the fading blue shades to the man and placing my right index finger upon the reader. The feel of the unnaturally cool pad was contrast to the pain of betraying the wishes of my deceased parents. A sting, I recall my finger quickly placing it instinctively into my mouth. Blood begins to drip upon my damp tongue. The bald man bows thanking me for my corporation. My finger pulsating, my heart beating, as I look upon the girl who was the light of my heart I began to wander into the past to our first meeting.
Pain, my head aches, darkness? Where am I? I open my eyes to see a ceiling, my ceiling. The one I wake up to early in the morning before training each day. So I am back in my room? I place my hand upon my forehead trying to relieve the pain. What happened?
“Thank you.” Said a shy nervous voice in my room, Turning my head towards the source I see a young lady. I remember now no wonder why I am in pain, so it wasn’t a dream. I began to pull myself off the floor only to be sent crashing down back to the floor by an unbearable pain.
“Ah, you shouldn’t move. I’m sorry this was my entire fault.” She was truly being apologetic.
“It’s not your fault. Anyway you don’t have to thank me.” That didn’t reassure her as she placed a moist towel upon my forehead.
“I heard what happened from your sensei. You risked your life to save mine.”
“I was careless.”
“You were brave.” Awkward silence only the fire of the candles flickering in the background. I asked her what happened to her. She went on introducing herself as Ayame and explaining her situation. She revealed that she was here to visit her grandfather that lived nearby but got separated from him. With hope dwindling in sight she stumbled upon a pair of black bear cubs and their angry mother. She was chased down the riverbed towards the waterfall. That’s all she could remember after wards she assumed she fainted from the fear. Indeed a frightful experience.
“Are you all right?” I asked. “The fall I mean were you hurt?” She shook her head with a smile on her face. “Thanks to you I am fine.” It was now in the candle light that I finally got to see a good look at her, her hair long, flowing and as dark as the night sky. She was no longer wearing her school uniform and was instead in an old decorative kimono. My mother had one exactly the same. I smiled.
“If it is not far I can escort you back to your family. If you wish I can take you there first thing in the morning.” She shook her head obviously worried about my wounds.
“It’s okay; my grandfather knows where I am.” Curious, I was going to ask her to clarify what she meant but was interrupted by a heart skipping voice.
“Bah, what kind of student are you to suffer so much from such a minor injury.” My Master was standing near the rice paper door of my room. His stance was one of strength and defiance. Almost in unison both me and Ayame called acknowledged his presence.
“Grandfather! How can you say that?” Wait, what? The confusion apparent in my eyes amused the old man greatly. My eyes were first upon Ayame then to Sensei trying to get a handle on this unexpected turn of events.
As I witnessed the exchange between the two I began to learn of a side I did not knew existed about my Sensei. Their exchange was more of a comedic duo then a serious argument. There was even a point in which Ayame actually had Sensei in a headlock giving him a nuggie. While all this was occurring Sensei had a smile, a smile not once I have witnessed before, a smile of true happiness and serenity.
After all was said and done Sensei regained his composure and stood back up, his smile never leaving his face.
“I concede. Kazu,” his smile now gone and his eyes focused “thank you for saving my Granddaughter. Today you have proven to me you are no longer a child but a true warrior at heart.”
“Sensei, I…” Raising his hand my voice fell silent.
“You can no longer refer to me as Sensei anymore. I am no longer just a teacher and you are no longer my student.” A pause in his speech, the words sinking in “From this day forward you are my disciple and I am your Master, you may now refer to me as Master Kensei!”
“Ayame please take care of Kazu, his real training begins as soon as he is able.”
With that Sensei, Master Kensei left the room leaving me and a surprised Ayame. She began to show her reaction to her grandfather’s statement. Her face was in a sort of shock. She told me that Master Kensei never accepted any requests from promising students to be taught by him. To be suddenly told I was to be his next disciple somehow sparked a fire of interest in her eyes.
She stayed with me all night tending to my bandages and pain. It was late in the night when I awoke again. To my surprise I saw the girl I rescued sleeping on the floor near me. A sheet covering her resting body, my heart was no longer in pain and for some reason I feel stronger knowing Ayame is safe. Is this the light you spoke of mother, the light that can heal the darkest of hearts? Just then a mumble, it was Ayame still asleep.
“Thank you Kazu, for being my wings.”

- Title: Dream: Give Wing.
- Artist: Redius
A short story I wrote. Began as a simple two page response grew to a long story and a pretty neat little universe I would love to write more about.
"It's like reading an Anime!" Was a comment I had from one of my peers so you can get an idea of what to expect. But you should be the judge yourself. - Date: 12/30/2009
- Tags: dream give wing
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Comments (3 Comments)
- gemini tisha - 03/14/2010
- I have to agree with charbookwyrm, your sentences need work. Your style is too strained and difficult to read. Some of your words and spellings are mixed up. Proper sentences and structure make the ideas of the work easier for the reader to understand. Otherwise, the story, the time skipping and the ideas are very interesting and it would be an overall good read if your sentences were clearer. So for me, I say a 3.
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- charbookwyrm - 01/17/2010
On the up side, I like the non-linear timeline; it makes you curious about the characters and really carries the story along well.
I'll give you 3*, due to the style, but I'd like to see an edited version of this. - Report As Spam
- charbookwyrm - 01/17/2010
- Ok, you've got some good ideas here, but I don't really like your style. It feels like you're trying to be too formal and the writing can sound strained. You're using some words in a context that doesn't make sense, and sentences are often far too convoluted (though that should mostly be fixed by a liberal sprinkling of commas). While people may speak like that in certain manga/animes, it broken up there by physical images, whereas the style in plain text can make it difficult to read.
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