A full moon shone brightly over head,painting the landscape a bright white-ish blue.Crikets sang loudly to one another,filling the warm air with their songs.A single figure stood in the middle of a large feild,observing the area with a deep,thoughtful look scarunching up his serious,hard face.His long flaming red hair and blood red fighting kimono fluttered softly in the warm fall breeze,and his bright green eyes followed every single movement,from that of an ant moving in the grass,to that of a fox stalking silently through the thick vegitation.A single black seathe perched on his right shoulder quivered slightly with the upcoming danger of attack frozen in the thick air.A small hand awakened the figure from his pondering,and he turned,looking down in to the warm dark brown eyes of a tall,slender women, her long waist length hair a midnight black,and her kimono a simple white.She cradled a small blue bundle to her chest with her right hand,looking up at the man with a deeply worried expression masking her lovely,heart shaped face.
"Makkusu,are you alright?You just took off as soon as you named Aren(Allen).You looked a little,stressed."
Makkusu smiled down at his mate as he said,"I am sorry Erizabesu(Elizabeth)but I do have a lot on my mind.My dad just died,now I'm leader of my,sorry,I mean our clan.Then there's the problem with my broken marriage agreement.I am sorry for breaking Kyasarin's(Catherine) heart,but I fear that she will never forgive me,even if she does find the one she was destined to be with,and that this will result in an unessessary war that really need not happen between our two families.But I do predict that in 500 years time,that our great-granddaugther,will end this war by falling in love with Kyasarin's great-great nephew and the two will connect our two families by marriage." Erizabesu laughed,and said,"Well,your predictions have never been wrong before,I just hope you are correct my husband." Makkusu smiled,and pulling his mate closer,he inhaled her sweet rosey scent as he mumumered,"I hope so as well,my wife."A sudden rustle in the bushes behind the happy family interupped the moment,and Makkusu turned to watch as a tall dark brown haired full demon male slipped silently out of the darkness,and bowed before him.
"Makkusu,I am sorry for disturbing a family moment,but I have some terrible news.Ms.Kyasarinhas declared war.She has also said that she and her family will do everything in their power to destroy us,no matter what."Makkusu nodded grimly as he said,"Thank you Arekkusu.Can you please go warn the family for me?"His cousin nodded,and blending back in to the darkness of the forest,he took off for the castle to warn his family.Makkusu softly squeezed Erizabesu as he whispered,"So....it has begun."
Chapter 1
Their First Meeting And Her First Training Session!
(100 years later)
It was a bright,sunny late summers day as a young 5-year-old quater cheetch,and quater wolf half demon girl with long bright flaming red hair and bright emerald green eyes skipped outside in to her family's garden,picking flowers,and humming softly to herself.Her light blue,pink cherry blossom patterned kimono glowing softly in the bright sunlight filtering through the thick,green leaves overhead.
As the young girl skipped past her mother,who was carrying a basket full of fresh picked oranges,she heard her say,"Sukaaretto(Scarlett), don't leave the garden."Sukaaretto nodded once before continuing deeper in to the large garden,picking flowers as she went.Finally she came to a small,hidden part of the garden where her great-grandparents,Makkusu and Erizabesu(Max and Elizabeth),lay resting peacfully after long hard lifes of war,and hardship.The small grave was surrounded by thick green bushes,and a small pond lay behind it,reflecting the bright blue sky overhead.Placing her handful of flowers respectfully on the grave,Sukaaretto quickly prayed for her grandparents before slipping back off towards the castle.On her way back Sukaaretto spotted a beautiful red rose that clashed beautifully with her long flaming hair,and picked it, placing it behind her left ear after removing the thorns.Smiling at the new trinket Sukaaretto saw a flash of bright color out of the corner of her eye,and turned to find a bright sunshine colored butterfly perched on a sunflower,lazily opening and closing it wings.Grinning evilly,the young half demon crouched down until her stomach lightly brushed the ground,and slowly stalked towards the unsuspecting insect.Sukaaretto's long red wolf tail softly swished back and forth,and her cheetch ears flattened back against her hair.Tightening her musclues in preperation to spring,she leaned back on her hunches before launching herself forward,towards the butterfly.
In the next instant,Sukaaretto found herself laying facedown on the ground,the sunflowers crushed below her.Sitting up and shaking the sun-flower petals from her hair,Sukaaretto looked around for the butterfly and found it floating above her in a kind of teasing way.
Growling under her breath,Sukaaretto muttered,"I will not be out done."Before she jumped up and tried to get the butterfly,but the beautiful insect fluttered out of her reach,and drifted away through the garden,beckoning Sukaaretto to follow it.
Sukaaretto didn't even give it a second thought before she leaped after her prey,making swipes at it with her claws.The young half demon followed the butterfly through the tall grassy feild just outside the garden wall,and towards the dark,menecing forest,leading her down a long narrow path slightly overgrown with tree roots and small bushes.Sukaaretto didn't even notice when she exited the forest,and in to another, unknown tall grassed feild.Leaping on to a tall rock poking out of the tall grass Sukaaretto sprang one last time at the butterfly,and landed,not on the ground, but on a person.The person beneathe her groaned softly,and Sukaaretto jumped off the person quickly,looking down to find a tall 7-year-old full demon male with long shoulder length bright yellow hair,and bright sky blue eyes,dressed in a dark turtle green fighting kimono laying on his back on the ground.
"I'm sorry,I didn't see you there."Sukaaretto said as she helped the young boy up in to a sitting position.
The boy rubbed his head as he said,"It's alright,I heal fast.My name's Osutin Arekusandaa(Austin Alexander).What's your's?"Sukaaretto smiled as she said,"Sukaaretto Jonson(Scarlett Johnson)."
Osutin nodded as he replied,"It's nice to meet you Sukaaretto.Uh,do you want to...play?"He finished as a deep blood red blush colored in his tanned cheeks,making Sukaaretto laugh as she said,"Yeah,let's play..."She stepped closer to Osutin,poked his forehead,and finished,"Tag,you're it Osutin."Before she turned and took off back in to the tall grass,laughing.Behind her Sukaaretto heard her new playmate laugh too as he said,"No fair,you got a head start."Before she heard his persuit.
Laughing,Sukaaretto shouted behind her,"Catch me if you can."Before she took off faster.Arriving at the rock she had been at only moments before Sukaaretto climbed to the peak,and crouched down,waiting for Osutin to appear.But he never did.Standing up Sukaaretto looked around for him,and jumped when a voice behind her shouted,"BONZI!"Before she was bowled over from behind,and she and her attacker tumbled over the rock's ledge,and on to the soft grass below.Sukaaretto laughed as she lay across Osutin's heaving chest as he laughed too.
Suddenly a dark shadow flashed out of the corner of Sukaaretto's eyes,and she stopped laughing,the hair on the back of her neck bristling uneasily.Osutin sensed her fear,and his laugher cut off to as he sat up,and asked,"Sukaaretto,are you alright?"But before she could answer a loud snarl ripped through the silent air,and Sukaaretto whimpered,trembling in Osutin's warm arms.Osutin moved his new friend behind him,and sto-od in front of her in a protective stance,ready to attack whatever was trying to kill them.
Tugging on his kimono sleeve Sukaaretto whispered,"Osutin,save yourself.Don't argue,I'll be fine,I need to go home anyway."The blond boy sighed as he said,"Goodbye Sukaaretto."
Taking the rose from her hair Sukaaretto tapped Osutin on the shoulder as she said,"Here Osutin,a present to rememeber me by."Osutin gingerly took the rose and put it away safely before he said,"Thank you,bye."Sukaaretto nodded as she slipped out from behind Osutin,and slin-ked towards the tall grass,but before she reached the grass another loud snarl ripped through the air,and in the blink of an eye she found herself beneath a large black wolf.Coal black lips were peeled back from razor sharp teeth,and bleak,evil eyes stared down at her,a look of pure hatred burning in their black depths.
Thinking fast,Sukaaretto grabbed a handful of the dirt beneath her,and taking aim,she threw it up and in to the wolf's eye.The wolf howled in pain,and stumbled back,shaking it's massive head back and forth,and using it's front paw to try and get the dirt out of it's eyes.Scrambling up,Suk-aaretto stumbled through the tall grass,and back out in to the forest,running as fast as she could.But the wolf was faster.As Sukaaretto stumbled past the treeline,the wolf overtook her,and swinging it's large paw it hit her,making her fall back and hit a nearby tree trunk.
Trying to sit up, and refocus her vision,since the tree almost knocked her out,Sukaaretto felt the wolf sink it's teeth in to her arm,and start tearing,making her scream out in pain.It felt like she was being torn a part by dozens of small daggers,preheated in an oven until they were sc-orching.Suddenly,the tearing stopped,and Sukaaretto sagged back against the tree,not really able to feel her arm.
Refocusing her vision,Sukaaretto looked down at her arm,and saw that most of the flesh had been torn off,and was bleeding like a small wa-terfall.Managing to sit up Sukaaretto tried to stop the bleeding by licking the wound,but it just kept bleeding.
Osutin rushed over and plopping down next to Sukaaretto he tried to help her stop the bleeding,but a gruff voice stopped him as it said,"No Osutin,do not waste your energy on such filth."Osutin looked down sadly as he mumbled,"Yes father."Before he stood,shoting his friend an apl-ogetic glance,and walked over to stand next to a tall dark brown haired man with dark black eyes.
The black wolf was nowhere to be seen,and Sukaaretto looked around to find the wolf who had saved her,but there was no other wolf,just Osutin,his father,and now Sukaaretto's father,Shoon Johnson(Shawn Johnson),his long orange hair blowing gently in the soft wind,and his light blue eyes shining with concern for his daugther.Scooping Sukaaretto up in his arms he cradled her gently against his chest as if trying to protect her.Nuzzling in to the crook of her father's neck Sukaaretto whispered,"I'm sorry papa."
Shoon gently shushed the girl as he whispered back,"It's alright Sukaaretto,you're safe now."Before he turned back to Osutin's father when he had growled out,"Jonson(Johnson)!"His eyes narrowed as he spat,"Next time,keep your spawn off my territory,or I won't hesitate to kill her." Shoon sighed as he said,"Jeddo(Jed)can you not just let go of the past,and forgive and forget?Can you not just resolve matters peacefully rather than just mindlessly using violance to prove your point?"
Jeddo snarled,baring his teeth as he said,"Listen Jonson,don't preach to me how to solve my problems.Ecspeically after what your backst-abbing grandfather did to my great-aunt Kyasarin(Catherine).At least she died with honor,trying to rid this earth of you weak,pathetic excuses for demons."Shoon's eye brows frownned as he said,"Now Jeddo,I am just as important to this world as you are.Just because I am only half demon, does not mean that I am not the same as you,if not in one way,then in another....."But Jeddo only snarled louder as he bit out between clenched teeth,"DO NOT CONSIDER YOURSELF IN THE SAME RANK AS ME HALF BREED!You are just a weak half demon who does not deserve to have strong demon blood flow through your veins.And it was your own grandfathers fault.If he had stuck to his marriage agreement like he shou-ld have,there wouldn't be this problem.If he left rich untanited demon blood like it was designed to be,then he wouldn't have created you weak, useless half breeds.So it's your own family's fault for what has happened!And my family will stop at nothing until your whole family is dead."
Shoon sighed as his eyes softened and said,"Well Jeddo I can not control what you think and how you feel,so I am afraid I will have to drop this matter for now.But one day I hope that you can let go of this hatred and we can be friends like we had once tried to be,and perhapes on that day,our children will be able to play in peace.Goodbye,old friend."Then he turned and walked away from the fuming full demon,power walking down the path,a sad look in his light blue eyes.Sukaaretto looked over her father's shoulder to glimpse once more at her playmate.Osutin,looking sad and remorseful,spotted her looking down at him,her eyes filled with silent tears,and he waved at her as Sukaaretto and her father disappeared around a bend in the road ahead.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sukaaretto leaned her head against her fathers chest as he carried her home,cradling her wounded arm as she thought.
Finally,she looked up at her father as she asked,"Papa,why can't I play with Osutin,he and I seemed to play together fine."
Shoon sighed as he replied,"Well Sukaaretto,that I can not tell you until you are old enough to understand,for you see there is something between our two clans that is even deeper than you can ever imagine.But I am hopeful that Jeddo will one day forget this whole ordeal,then maybe on that day you and Osutin can play again.For now let me just tell you this:Something in the past has caused our clans to dispise one another,and only one person from each of these clans can help solve this problem.Now,that's enough talking for today,it's time for bed."He finished as he stepped out of the shadowy forest,and in to the blazing sunlight elominating everything with it's bright glow.The sky overhead was ablaze with light,and the river down the tall hill glowed brightly as though someone had lit a fire beneathe it's depthes.Sukaaretto leaned her head against her fathers chest again as she said,"Thank you for saving me papa,and I am sorry."
Shoon once again shushed her as he whispered,"Do not blame yourself Sukaaretto,but next time,please be more upservent of your surrou-ndings so that you don't get hurt by Jeddo again.Now sleep my daugther,tomorrow is a big day.Tomorrow you begin your training,but it will only be minor,for you are still little,and you need not be pushed too hard."Was the last thing Sukaaretto rememebered before she drifted into a com-fortable sleep,the gentle motion of her father's walking that of a softly rocking allabye.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Small emerald green eyes fluttered open to the cool darkness of a large red room.The soft red comforter was tucked sacurly around a small body,and the red pillows crinkled slightly when a small head lay upon them.Dark red drapes glowed brightly over the large glass windows as they blocked the bright sunlight from enetering the cool securitly of the large room.
The young girl sat up quickly,and swinging her feet over the side of the bed,she landed on the soft carpet,shuffling towards the curtains.She passed a large,red cousined couch,standing next to a large mirror,where a lone silver brush lay upon the soft brown wood of the tall berau that held up the mirror.Reaching the drapes,the young girl opened them to reveal a large set of glass doors,leading out on to a large white stoned balconey overlooking the large garden below,and looking over the tall garden wall,out towards the tall dark trees of the forest set back behind the large grassy feild.Smiling,the girl woke up instantly,and turning,she ran towards the tall double oak doors on the other side of the room.Opening them,she slipped quietly in to the brightly lit hallway,soflty closing her bedroom doors behind her.
Suddnely,there was a loud shout of,"SUKAARETTO!"Before she was bowled over from behind,and tumbled on to the floor,someone on top of her.Laughing,Sukaaretto rolled over quickly,and pinned her younger cousin Ze to the floor in a matter of seconds.
Ze looked up at her with wide eyes and she laughed again as she said,"I can still pin your butt Ze,no matter what."
He stuck his tongue out at Sukaaretto as he said,"So what,I'm still faster than you."Sitting up after his cousin had released him he pouted,and whined,"Why do you and Arekkusu(Alex)get to begin your training,it's not fair,now I'll have no one to play with."
There was a laugh behind the two as a voice said,"Come now Ze,you know you have to be at least 5 to be able to start training.Besides,Sukaa-retto and I will still be able to play with you,just not as often.But at least you only have another 3 monthes until you begin your own training."The two turned to find their older cousin Arekkusu walking towards them,a smile on his face,and a bright,laughing twinkle in his light brown eyes. His neat brown hair swayed slightly as he walked,and his dark seaweed colored fighting kimono moved easily with each movement of his tall figure. He stopped next to the pouting Ze and the laughing Sukaaretto as he said,"Sukaaretto,Uncle Shoon would like to see you in his office.He says he would like to begin your training now."Sukaaretto nodded and standing up,she dusted herself off,and bidding Ze goodbye she followed Arekkusu down the hall,and they both turned left down the main hallway.Stopping next to the second tall wooden door on the right,Arekkusu softly knocked twice,before stepping back and waiting.
"Who is it?Sukaaretto,Arekkusu?Right,come in."Came Shoon's answering voice,and Arekkusu opened the door,politly holding it for Sukaa-retto before walking inside himself.The two looked around for Shoon,but he was nowhere to be found.Suddenly above them,they heard him say, "Ah,thank you for retriving my daugther for me Arekkusu,this is much apprechatited"The two cousins looked up,confused,and spotted Shoon floating near the top most shelf,a large stack of book in one hand,while the other was slowly putting the books back in their places.Whne he was done,Shoon floated back down to the floor,a grin on his face,and his blue eyes twinkling with exciment.
"Wow Papa,can you teach me that?"Sukaaretto asked excitely as she rushed over to her father.Shoon chuckled,placed a hand on his daugthers head,and ruffling it he replied,"Sorry sweetheart,but you're still too young to fully begin to activate your powers.Maybe when you're older,alr-ight?"Sukaaretto shuffled her feet,and pouted as she said,"Alright."Shoon chuckled again and turning to Arekkusu,he thanked his nephew again and handed him a pass for his next class.
Arekkusu thanked Shoon,bowed respectfully,and turned to leave,whispering a soft,"Good luck," to Sukaaretto as he passed and disappeared out the study door,softly closing it behind him.Shoon motioned to his daugther with his hand to follow and she walked behind him over to a large wooden deck near the large brick fireplace.Sitting in the large cousioned chari across from her father,Sukaaretto watched as he crouched down behind his desk and came back up,a large leather bound book with the Jonson(Johnson)family chest on the cover,in his hands.
- by ScarletLeaf44 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/18/2009 |
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- Title: Sukaaretto(Scarlet)
- Artist: ScarletLeaf44
- Description: A great war desends upon two demon families,The Samuri Swords Clan and the Animal Swords Clan.Two demons,one from each of theses families were destined to be married.But one of the demon from the Animal Swords Clan fell in love with a human and broke the narriage agreement.Furious,the demon declared war against the Animal Sowrds Clan,and promised that their family will not rest until that clan is destroyed forever.Can the war be stopped by two demons from each of these clans?
- Date: 09/18/2009
- Tags: sukaarettoscarlet
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Comments (1 Comments)
- ScarletLeaf44 - 09/18/2009
- Sorry if it's not done.I'm still working on it.
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