A howl in the distance sends a shiver up my spine. I keep running holding my wrist. Running in the woods doesn't seem like a good idea anymore. Now all that's around me are tree's and darkness. I feel like eyes are watching me. I look at me wrist. Still bleeding. Whatever attacked my simply just scratched my wrist then tried to lick the blood. His eyes were blood red. Hair black, skin pale, and cold...so cold.
I slow down and catch my breath. I look up and he is standing right in front of me. "Get Away From Me!" I try to run but he grabbed me by my shoulder and pushes me against the tree. "There's no need for that." He grabbed the wrist he had scratched and licked the wounds. I noticed that my wrist had stopped bleeding. He then moved my hair away from my neck. Then he got closer. I pushed him away and tried to run again. I got away from him and was running for a couple minutes when he stepped out from behind another tree smiling at me. He then ran over to me and when he ran it was in a blur. He picked me up and put his cold hand on the back of my neck then hit a spot.
I woke up and I was under a tree I could tell I was deeper in the woods. I couldn't see the full moon. I couldn't see anything but then I felt a cold hand touch my neck moving my hair again. But then I simply sat up. He made me stand up and then he pushed me against the tree again. I heard low cold voices around me then felt different cold hands touching my arms. "She is different from the kind of prey you usually choose Eric."
"I know but her scent is delicious I couldn't resist and her blood...hmmm so intoxicating."
"Yes she does smell lovely...so do you mind if you share?"
"No...this one is mine go find you someone else and leave me alone."
"She looks so afraid...but her pulse and breathing are normal...that's strange for a human."
"Yes it is now leave."
"Fine but next time...I get the prey."
I couldn't see how they thought my pulse and breathing were normal...it felt like my heart was a speeding train. And my breathing felt like it would burst my lungs but then I realized something...they were right. My breathing was normal and so was my pulse. I felt a cold hand touch my face then my neck. "Your hair is always in the way Tempest."
How did he know my name? That scared me as much as this whole situation was. "How do you know my name?"
"I've been watching you."
He moved closer then I felt his chin on my neck. "Intoxicating." He moved his mouth to my neck then. "You do know what I am now don't you?"
I felt his cold breath against my neck. "Yes."
"Then say it."
"Your a vampire."
"And what are you?"
I swallowed then answered. "Your prey."
I heard him laugh then he spoke. "Correct. My prey."
"Stop stalling already."
"You don't mind telling me what to do that's different but if you wish."
I felt his teeth but then I heard a growl coming from behind him. The next thing I know is he was away from me. I heard a howl and I felt long soft fur on my right leg. I felt my neck but I didn't have any bites marks. I heard a hiss and another growl then a woosh. I then heard a low howl then felt the fur again. I felt around then felt ears, a back, and a tail. I walked away from the tree and felt something push me up. Then next thing I knew I was on something's back. It was running and I could finally see the moons light. When it got to a clearing it was still running I looked down and gasped. This thing was huge. It was bigger than a timber wolf. It slowed down and I slipped of it's back. I studied the huge wolf. It's eyes were blue and it's fur was black. I ran my fingers through it's fur. Soft like a feather. "Thank you for saving me." The wolf did a nod then ran off into the woods. I looked around but didn't know where I was. I was about to start walking after the wolf when someone stepped around a tree. He had light brown hair and when I saw his eyes I saw the same blue eyes. I took a deep breath and he walked in front of me. He was wering a t-shirt and jeans. "Are you alright Tempest?"
"Yeah how do you know my name?"
"The vampire said it."
"Oh yeah." I realized something then blushed a little.
"So if he was a vampire...then are you a werewolf?"
"What would make you say that?"
"Your eyes...and when a wolf disappers and a person comes back in it's place it's obvious."
"Maybe that was my pet."
"Was it really?"
"Your not buying it are you?"
"Yeah I'm a werewolf."
"Uh...cool...well can I go home now?"
"Yes. So where is your home?"
"Oh, it's that appartment at the corner of 61st street."
"Well let's go."
"Wait...let's as in us?"
"Can you find your way out of here by yourself?"
"No I can't."
"Then I help you...I'm suprised that you haven't passed out yet."
"Oh I'm not going to. I'm a hold up kind of girl."
"Yeah you almost got bitten by a vampire and killed and your pulse is normal."
"Your the second person to tell me that."
"Vampires are not people...they are monsters."
"Yeah...well, he said he was watching me but I don't know why."
"I heard him talk about your sent...he said it was intoxicating...weird choice of word."
"You look angry...as you repeated that."
"I did...I am." We were walking now. The moon gave off some light but we were in the woods again so I couldn't see hardly. But I knew he could see well. "So how good can you see?"
"Okay...I guess." I heard an owl then glanced at him. "So can you see the owl?"
"Yeah...I like the grey ones." I laughed a short laugh and heard a noise behind us, I took a deep breath and looked behind me. I did a sigh of relief. "It's not him."
"Your worried that he's following us...he's not. And if he was I'd know it. But I don't think he'll come back tonight."
"But he will come back?"
"Yes. But I'm not sure when...I did harm him but I doubt he'll stay waiting to heal. Now he knows your protected so that will make him much more interested. He won't send anyone else because they could claim you."
"Claim me?"
"As their prey."
"Oh." We reached the edge of the woods and I looked and saw my street. "Well thanks for helping me get home...bye."
"I'll check the house."
"Look I've got a room mate. So I don't think so."
"You said you'd know...I'll be fine."
"Alright but here...take this and if you get paranoid then call me. I'll check in."
"You don't have to."
"Tempest...we have to keep humans safe...you especially."
"Why me?"
"Because your his prey and he is your predator. He will find you and try to turn you...or worse kill you."
"I don't see me being what he is...wouldn't know why he would want to turn me anyways."
"We don't have a clue why they choose the people they choose but what he saw in you was different...if he was going to kill you then he would've done it before you hit five steps after entering the woods."
I looked down a little suprised. He turned to walk away but I started to speak. "Your name please?"
"Bye." He nodded and left. I unfolded the small piece of paper and read his number. Then I quickly went into my apartment feeling cold, and I noticed that my neck was cold...where the vampire named Eric...had touched.
I woke up early the next morning and got out of bed and changed into some blue jeans and a t-shirt. I went into the small kitchen an got a cup of orange juice. "Mica?" I went and knocked on her bedroom door but no answer I opened the door and saw she wasn't there. I went back into the livingroom and flipped on the TV. The news reporter was saying something about a murder. "A woman was found in the park this morning around six a.m. police say she was somehow drained of blood. The ID in her purse said she was Mica Jones. A 23 year old. We will update more on this story tonight at ten." I froze and flipped off the TV and got on my shoes then got my keys and ran out the door. When I reached the park I saw police around and then I got out of the car then ran up to a cop. "Can I help you?"
"Yes...you can tell me what killed my friend."

- Title: Half Breed
- Artist: Tru94
- Description: This is my 2nd Story on the Arena the 1st is Bloodlust Rising. This is a Werewolf & Vampire Story the other is just Vampire. So Please Rate & or Comment. Enjoy.
- Date: 04/06/2009
- Tags: half breed
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