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I love this kid, and I can't help it. :l
Have you ever met a guy, when everytime you talk to him, you can't help but smile? Everytime they message you, you get all excited and start to shake. When they say I love you in the most randomest times, you get goosebumps? When they say the sweetest things, you just laugh about it, and call your best friend until they answer the phone and make them listen to yours and that guys message that you are in the middle of. I think that if I didn't have a best friend named Izzy, I wouldn't be sane right now. Everytime me and this kid talk, I have to tell her every little bit that the message says.
But I feel really bad, cause I feel this way about this guy.... but I don't feel the same way about my own boy friend. :l I feel horrible. And I know that if Jessica reads this journal she is going to tell Daniel, but I can't help what I feel.

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