Name: Alex Gender: Male Age:105 Race:Changling Bio: Once a simple changeling living in a world that used magic imbued machinery within their everyday life. But that changed when one day he found himself in a much different land. In this land he was found by a wonderful race of beings that controlled dreams and chaos. Somehow, to which he is still unsure, a dying being infused it's essence into him, granting him their power, if only to a limited extent.
Appearance: Usually standing around 5'11" with red hair and green eyes, his clothes consist of a simple white shirt with black pants and a black vest. though some have reported him taller, or shorter. sometimes with purple eyes or black hair. He dismisses all such claims as tricks of light and unreliable memory's
Xenos Sama · Sat Mar 16, 2013 @ 03:14am · 1 Comments |