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Memoirs Of A Villain I write about my days, what I feel about the world and the ugly truth... If you cannot handle it all....then don't enter the mind of a villain....

Dokudokushii Akunin
Community Member
Strange Ways
Wreak havoc, beep beep it's mad traffic
Sleek and lavish people speaking leaking to the maverick
He see as just another felony drug arrest
Any day could be the one he pick the wrong thug to test
Slug through the vest... Shot in the street
For pulling heat on a father whose baby's gotta eat
And when they get hungry, it ain't s**t funny
Paid to interfere with how a brother get his money
Now, who's the real thugs, killers and gangsters?
Set the revolution, let the things bust and thank us
When the smoke clear, you can see the sky again
There will be the chopped off heads of leviathan
My friend, they call 'em strangers
Everybody talk to him end up in some danger

(They stay... Strange ways)
Can't reform 'em

They pray four times a day, they pray five
Whose ways is strange when it's time to survive
Some will go of they own free will to die
Others take them with you when they blow sky high
What's the difference? All you get is lost children
While abortion s**t up behind the desk it costs billions
To blast humans in half, into captured arms
Only one side is allowed to have bombs
It's like making a soldier drop his weapon
Shooting him, and telling him to get to steppin'
Obviously, they came to portion of his fortune
Sounds to me like that old robbery/extortion

(They stay)
Same game
(Strange ways)
Ya can't reform 'em

User Comments: [2]
Chaos Spring
Community Member

Sun May 06, 2007 @ 03:35am

Thats amazing. Do these just pop up in your head or do you think of them for a while? I...and its true too.

Community Member

Tue May 15, 2007 @ 04:00am

chaos stop taking my comments!!!


i love itttt!!!

User Comments: [2]
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