Omfg! Today was great! I loved 1st hour! heart wanna know why? Well, i like this guy named Justin Smith...but me and my friends call him 'Smitty' ....(dont ask why -.-'') anyway in my 1st hour (math) I sit across from him! heart anyway anyway anyway...for some reason he hates me... emo but today, he like...smiled at me...((SOOOOOOOO CUTE! 4laugh )) and he was copieing off my paper ( xp ) and he talked to me...and we like, kept looking at each other...and and and...our feet were touching! whee Today ROCKED MY SOX OFF! W00T W00T W00T W00T...
Community Member
Oh and he was just probably being nice so he could copy off of you jenna, your smarter then everyone says and I know that.