Hi! As you could see in my 'About's, my name is Chibi. And no, I am not going to tell you peoples my real name. Got that? ninja Anyway, I guess I should start this thing with what happened today. Um, I took a quiz in my hardest class, American History, and got an 'B' on it, ( I forgot what the battles in WWI was -_-') in my Video Editting class, we did nothing but play on the computer, in my Earth Science class I did this hand out and my "friend" ( I put "" because he says I'm not his friend, even though we talk alot about stuff... no, I do not like him. If he was the last man on the planet, I would NEVER love him, I'm sorry) made a paper doll of Bush, in Algebra we did this test... um, what else... oh, yeah, Free Time. OK!!! I did nothing. -___-' There was nothing to do!!! ( as usual) All I did was throw a coin up in the air and I tried to get it to hit the ceiling then tried to catch it. During lunch, um... I forgot to buy lunch. crying And it was Subway, too! I love Friday lunch 'cause it has a GIANT cookie, a sandwich, and chips. My friends gave me their chips and luckily my guy friend Danny had cupcakes because of his birthday, so I was able to get that to eat, too. (personally, I think he likes me. He flirts with me, always wants to talk to me, he always tries to catch my attension, stuff like that. But sadly, I do not like him, even though we went to the same school or a few years, left the school, and went to the same school again two years later. -.-) After lunch was English. We did this narrative prompt, which to me was pretty easy. I did a Flow map and then I wrote my five paragraphs in less than 30 minutes. I turned it in and began to talk with my guy friends. All of my girl friends are in different classes, sadly, and the one girl friend is irght now in France so yeah. -.- Anyway, after English was Poetry and out teacher was yelling at us because some of the girls in my class were talking. I wasn't, as usual. I'm a good kid and I try to be friends with the teachers so they would be on my side if something goes wrong and so I can I just have fun with my teachers. After she told us about having a test next week, I left the classroom and went to homeroom. And my homeroom teacher was singing, as usual. Even thought we were supposed to be reading, we talked about the book that we have to do a report about about, which is "Death Be Not Proud". And I don't really like it because it is too depressing. It's a memoir of how this dad's son died of a brain tumor. Finally at 3:10 I was free of school. My mom picked me up and got a little bit of praise for my quiz grade. Then she began to yell at me for no reason and I went home, played with my dogs, got bored for an hour, talked to me girl friend Alex, and started typing this thing. ^^ So, there you go. Wow, does my left hand hurt. I don't know why; I was typing with both my left and right hand, but I guess it's because I'm leaning on my left hand... Well, ja ne 'till next time!!! ^^
Lil_anime fan 1 · Sat Apr 14, 2007 @ 12:33am · 0 Comments |