:I decided to make this since I felt like it!:
:Florida field trip:
It was the annual freshmen trip were at the end they go to Florida. But all was not well for a teen. She had black hair and dark chocolate eyes. She had tan skin and her hair was short. She wore glasses, black hoodie, black jeans and black shoes. She could only feel weak. After a month since she found a strange object she started to get markings on her body. And with the marking came pain. "Hey, Laura?" asked chirped her friend. Laura (that me you guys) looked at her with a glare. Her friend stood back. "Um...Are you okay?" she asked when she was about to touch her shoulder she scratch her hand.
Laura than ran away from the yelling teens and adults as she went into a forest. After running out of site she fell to the ground screaming in pain. "Whats happening to me!" she screeched as she thrashed around. "i'm so sorry....so sorry" a voice came and she looked up to see a woman in all white. She had white glowing hair and light blue eyes wearing a white dress. "I am sorry....but every since you picked up that....that object a cursed and new powers were laid on you just like me" she said this in the most kind voice I calmed down a bit.
I looked at her with tear filled eyes. "Then Wh-AAAHHHH!!!" laura screamed as she felt her bpdy change. "Becuase......you have children waiting for you....these children have been waiting for you since birth......you must go to them....don't worry your friends and family and everyone.....will forget you so there will be no pain...for your loss..." she that in a voice which made laura sob a bit before black globe begining to swallow her into the earth. "Listen....whoever you are.....I can tell from your eyes....that you lost....one of those children to death....I won't make that mistake....even if it cost my life" with those words being said the womans eyes widened as laura was swallowed.
She still felt herself being changed and black light started to glow. As the shapped formed the woman who was looking at her transform smiled. Atleast I know I can rely on you....to not make my sad mistake....thank you....." with that little spirits flew out of her leading into a heaven she can finally rest in. After the glowing stopped a draogn that looked like a dark skeleton and a dark angel stood inside a temple. Laura looked at her hand...no claws and clenched her fist. "Will do anything to protect them" with that her wings covered her in a sleep that is much needed.
(Okay if people are confused of what I look like it this dragon. The one I use as my dragon in all my dragon drive fics. LOL.)

:500 years later:
The Dnangel group, the naruto group, and the Sanzo group all glared at each other. Well all glared except Daisuke, Naruto and Goku. You see they were all assigned on a seceret mission. What that mission well go to this other world and try and take the power that is inside the temple. Heaven itself sent messenger birds to them. "OKay.. just so you know....that you better not get in the way" stated Sanzo getting glares from the other groups. "Really? We hope you don't get in the way old man!" shouted dark getting an anger spot. "Who you calling old! I recond that demon fox over there is older than all of us!" shouted goujo earning a very deadly death glare from the long haired crisom demon with blood red eyes.......(to be continued)
:Side note!: A little mini dragon of me pops up. "Hello everyone! I hope you are liking to this well movie fanfic! Before we end the show I like to inform you on a few things!" with that a screen pooped up and it shows a picture of the human kyuubi. "Kyuubi is out because of a few thing that happening. But now That all stay toon for the next chapy! Also i'll post a picture of what kyuubi looks like!" with that the everything was dark.
Narutos Mommy · Sat Apr 07, 2007 @ 02:19am · 0 Comments |