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what your problem? do you just need to read every title there is on gaia jease.
stuff that no one should have too know
colledge and partys + dream
Captain's log stardate, 20307

Well, I've seen Hoglen here three times so far. I didn't even think he went to colledge. Also, my first english class has been cancled for the day. Which is a big yay. havent really done a single thing yet.
I had lots of fun at carlys party, I met Thomos and Hoglan and beet everyone at ddr. Seriously, the new ddr sucks. We all had fun on the swing and laughed at Brad for staring at interspecies oral sex. I seriously need to find a way to get more sleep. Maybe i can start going to bed on the car ride home.

DREAM; Me, Dad, and Carly are playing a real life DnD game. We were all in a tower that was full of gold rimmed windows when dad found a golden box with elaborate dodecagrams on it. I told him what ever the hell he does do not open the box, in fact i told him to throw it away. It was one of those boxes off hellraiser that opens a portal to hell. Of coarse dad out of curiosity opened the box. what came out of it was what looked like a demon in dragoon armer (a high jumpin spearman.). the demon lunged at me and i took its spear and speared it in the eye while pushing it out a window. we were on like the tenth floor. It jumped back up so i did the same thing with the other eye. eenetually carly cut of its head with a machette. the demon put its head back on and contunued. eventually the demon got tired and turned into an eight year old little girl who whenever she became angery she turned back into the demon. I told her that she could journey with us. i left the open box on the floor and told her to follow us. she walked on the box and got seeled inside again. then i handed the box to dad and threw him out the window, thus getting rid of both the demon and the one who was sure to summon her again.

Captain Shinken signing off.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 03, 2007 @ 10:29pm
There's an alien ship hailing us, Captain!

Why DO they always state the obvious?

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 03, 2007 @ 11:43pm
because if they didnt state the obvious catain kirk would ask what ship is hailing him?

Dyne Shinken
Community Member
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