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Memoirs Of A Villain I write about my days, what I feel about the world and the ugly truth... If you cannot handle it all....then don't enter the mind of a villain....

Dokudokushii Akunin
Community Member
Rise Of King Geedorah
Ok. Yes, that is a weird name "King Geedorah" but allow me to explain. I was on Gaia Saturday and my friends asked me to go with them to a place called the House of Hookah. So before we go, we're waiting on like 5 other people. So we get there at about 9 o'clock. Now I'm thinking that this place is like a club or something but when I get there I see a bunch of genie bottles with tubes coming out and people smoking from them. So I think its a place to legally smoke weed but the smoke smells like fruit. So we sit in a circle on these cushins (sorry if its spelled wrong) on a floor and we start the rotation and it was like smoking fruit and water. I don't get it but it tasted like skittles (taste the rainbow!!). So apparently if you smoke it for long enough you get to a point where you're high without being high. Y'know, REALLY relaxed without hallucinations. So anyway a girl whose name is Kitty comes to me and calls me Sarge cuz I was wearing a camo outfit. Then she lays on me and starts purring. It was cute and so was she. I was so calm that when she started to kiss me...I didn't stop her. Long story short (I wanna leave out the details. Trust me I'm doing YOU ALL a favor), I had quite a night. And at the end of it she says to me, "Good night, King Geedorah". I dunno why but now I'm gonna stick with it.

User Comments: [4]
Nightmare Girl uyt
Community Member

Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 06:33pm

eek wink sounds to me like the Savage got tamed for a night,,WOOP WOOP!!! sweet,, once I saw Palace of Hooka I knew exactly what u were in for, *THUMBS UP!!* glad u had a great weeken biggrin

Community Member

Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 09:54am

*perks a brow, but says nothing, and smiles, sitting in her throne, looking calm. * i didnt post this earlier lol cuz i didnt have time. *smirks and croses her legs ever so gently* kitty eh? *malicious smirk *

Community Member

Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 11:05pm

*raises eyebrow* Kitty? Nice name, and lucky you.

Community Member

Tue May 15, 2007 @ 04:14am

skittle drugs!!


User Comments: [4]
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