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yo u yo.. XP

Community Member
ahhhhhhh.. i had to do some extra credit friday night for astronomy class by going to the skewls planetarium.. but i couldnt find the place and so i found pplz that worked there and they gave me a map and they told me that they sur hoped that we had a car b/c it was all the way across the campus across a street.. anyways when me and my lil sister started to drive around the skewl lookin for the place.. yea i had to take my lil sister and i had to bribe her w/ an oreo mcflurry b/c no one would go w/ me.. and lets see so yea i was driving around the skewl and then i had to make a decision whether to make a right or left and i asked my lil sister wat does the map say to do.. and she says it doesnt matter.. so i took a right and then somehow we ended up on a bumpy dirt road and it was rly dark and and we kept hearing a grl scream i was flippin out.. and cursing and crying it was horrible so then we back tracked and went around the skewl the other way and eventually found it unfortunately we were 8 minutes late and they locked the doors to the planetarium in our faces.. man if only my lil sister had held the urge to take a dump until after the planetarium program meybe jus meybe we would hav been able to get there on time.. lolz.. xp

but u knw wat i talked to my ex who i was gonna go w/ b/c my dad didnt want to go and he sayd that the planetarium building is where most of his classes are.. man.. stressed rawr farg..


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