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View User's Journal

My Poetry
My Poetry or thoughts.
Phrases of Wisdom
Category: Life

1. School and homework are just paths in the long river of life i guess so there is allways two paths one is harder but more pertaining and the other is simple and humble
no matter the toughness of the river you should be happy youre above the water in a boat named destiny and not under it in the river of despair

2. Relationships are an amazing thing . But in my past I have learned not to get too attached. For emotions about one you care for can change in a single night and then they can change back before or after you've screwed things up. So realize the hopelessness and make it your own, don't change for anyone because you will get tired of it and if you have to work hard to earn affection then what is the point of love?

3. Express your self in anything you do. It doesnt matter what others think or know or think they know its about you and your passion. be who you r and live your life to the fullest. you may have heard this before but life is too short there are letdowns and penalties. but dont let them kick you out of the game. be true to yourself and loved ones will be true to you. do whats right and just in your sense make friends not enemies. And just live relax and prosper.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Mar 24, 2007 @ 11:37pm
For anyone having troubles with "life"
This would be the perfect journal for them to read.

But wait.. shouldn't it be the riverBED of despair?

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 01, 2007 @ 03:25am
No Its like being sucked into the river

Community Member
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