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what your problem? do you just need to read every title there is on gaia jease.
stuff that no one should have too know
awe look at the little highschoolers
a bunch of highschoolers ventured through socc to find the secret of life and the secret they thought they found was that they needed more education, personally i think they just needed to follow their dreams and DO it.

ran around alot liking for adam whitman in the gyme building which has a billion exits and entrances all leading to the same place,.... the gym. no room 208.

my financial aid is still being reviewed. i personally think socc is clean out of money and they are trying to see how long they can last wihtout paying anybody.

im hugery. like a hippo but i leave you with these words of wisdom.

I have PSO and you dont.

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commentCommented on: Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 07:05pm
I was there when they first arrived.. i honestly thought they were middle schoolers... there so tiny this year. and yes, that gym is cursed... i had a class somewhere in that building and to this day could never find it.

oh yeah.... i owned and still play PSO long before you ever did. domokun

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 03:33pm
thats because your zack and your crazy with games, i meen thats not even fair. but i own it now and thats all that matters.

Dyne Shinken
Community Member
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