This is LabTech118 talking to you. Now Please Help Mr. Gambino on his quest. donate all the gold you possibly can and help him take back his name, his money, his rightful place, as THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN GAIA.
please... plesae help him... hes gone through so much... hes done so much to help us... only to have his mansion blown up, his son lose his memory... then those Von Helson sisters (satan's slutty daughters) steal his son, and kick him out of his own city! Sure Mr. Gambino has his own island... but still... Help Mr. Gambino.
gold i've donated so far: 9,000
yes. i've donated that much. BUY MY CRAP!
LabTech118 · Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 05:35pm · 0 Comments |