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Just me
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this world.....
well, yesterday i was in a pyp thread
and there were a couple people that were making these really hard, personal comments.

and im not a tree hugger or anything, but i started wondering, why our nature is to fight and argue.
and note i say OUR-as in humans- nature, cuz you dont see lions out on the savanah calling each other harsh names thats arnt based on anything, and trying to kill each other cuz they have different veiws.

and thats the other thing: a lot of people hate other people just cuz they have different religious views.
ex: the different sects in the middle east.
and i wonder: what if they are all wrong?? all that death will be for nothing.
and i mean: who cares if someone has different views? thats what makes this place special, is the ability to believe in something as much as you want, even if everyone else doesnt.
another ex: catholics....what if they're wrong? the nuns and other sacrificed all that for nothing....and that leads me to another point: if being envious, and greeedy and such was so sinful, why would "god" make us like that.
if she (i have me reasons) didnt want us to get jealous and envious, why create us be be creatures of those traits????

i kinda got on a rant there...
um:this world, for the most part, sucks. everyone fights over trivail things.
i think everyone should just agree to disagree. that would be so much better than wasting time attempting to kill one another.

man, if the borg ever came here, theyd just destroy us...with the different views we have, assimilating us would create chaos to their well organzed collective razz

yes i know, im a nerd, but i dont care, most people are about one thing or another, and theres nothing wrong with it

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