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Memoirs Of A Villain I write about my days, what I feel about the world and the ugly truth... If you cannot handle it all....then don't enter the mind of a villain....

Dokudokushii Akunin
Community Member
About Me
(Dudes. Skip the questions that make you look gay. Girls just take the stupid quiz)
AM I moody?-
Am I sweet?-
Am I crazy?-
Am I insane?-
Am I funny?-
Am I ugly?-
Am I psycho?-
Am I annoying?-
Am I a good person?-
Am I odd? -

2)******Would You******
Hug me?-
Kill me?-
kiss me?-
Marry me?-
Miss me if I was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if I cried?-
Be a good friend?-

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?-
Hook me up with someone who would it be?-
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?-
Do one thing with me it would be?-
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?-
What do you hate about me?-
What is my best quality?-
Do you hate me? ((even a lil bit?))-
Is my personality okay?-

1. Who are you?-
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)-
4. Are we good friends?-
5. Do we know each other in real life? ((nope no matter what nope lol))-
6. Am I cute? (if you are a dude skip this)-
8. Whats your favorite kind of music?-
9. Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you??

User Comments: [4]
Community Member

Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 07:21pm

About Me
AM I moody?- hmm.. depends
Am I sweet?- suuure...
Am I crazy?- hell yes
Am I insane?- yup
Am I funny?- yup
Am I ugly?- dunno. nor do i care
Am I psycho?- most likely. but thats what intrigues me about you
Am I annoying?- heck no
Am I a good person?- ....if i say only for me...
Am I odd? - ....well if your odd. then its the nut houses for me lol
2)******Would You******
Hug me?- sure
Kill me?- not if i want to die as well
kiss me?- hmmm.. maybe
Marry me?- ...not likely...i dont know you well enough for that
Miss me if I was gone?- yes
Listen to my problems?- sure..
Hug me if I cried?- you.. cry? lol
Be a good friend?- yes master

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- hmm.. i dont think i would . yours is perfect
Hook me up with someone who would it be?- ...hmm. i dont really know anyone .. *shrugs
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- ...maybe...god i dont know. lol
Do one thing with me it would be?- *smirks* not something im ognna say here
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- ...need to be more eeeviiil

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?- the evil nieees
What do you hate about me?- ...i dont think i hate anyhting... yet..
What is my best quality?- your willingness for a sidekick
Do you hate me? ((even a lil bit?))- no. not really
Is my personality okay?- *nods

1. Who are you?- Jasmine...your sidekick
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- hm... maybe
4. Are we good friends?- ..i dunno. are we?
5. Do we know each other in real life? ((nope no matter what nope lol))- nope. lol
6. Am I cute? (if you are a girl skip this)- well i dont really know you.. nor have i met you in rl
8. Whats your favorite kind of music?- clasiical
9. Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you?? i will if you answer them lol

Chaos Spring
Community Member

Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 09:07pm

AM I moody?- no
Am I sweet?- yes
Am I crazy?- no more than i am
Am I insane?- i hope not
Am I funny?- yes
Am I ugly?-no
Am I psycho?-not that i know of
Am I annoying?-never
Am I a good person?- yes
Am I odd? -odd is good

2)******Would You******
Hug me?- yes
Kill me?- depends but i strongly doubt it
kiss me?- yes
Marry me?- dunno
Miss me if I was gone?- of course
Listen to my problems?-yes
Hug me if I cried?- of course
Be a good friend?- yep

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- what is there to change? you have a nice name
Hook me up with someone who would it be?- me
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- ME
Do one thing with me it would be?- go to the movies. but not the sappy stuff. i hate that.
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- don't do anything too stupid

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?- protectiveness
What do you hate about me?- nothing
What is my best quality?- you
Do you hate me? ((even a lil bit?))- nope
Is my personality okay?- okay is an understatment

1. Who are you?- who do you think?
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- yes
4. Are we good friends?- i hope so
5. Do we know each other in real life? ((nope no matter what nope lol))- no
6. Am I cute? (if you are a girl skip this)- yep
8. Whats your favorite kind of music?- hip-hop and r&b
9. Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you??- i already did

Community Member

Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 05:26am

About Me

(Dudes. Skip the questions that make you look gay. Girls just take the stupid quiz)
AM I moody?- no
Am I sweet?- no da
Am I crazy?- hell ya but I love that
Am I insane?- no
Am I funny?- yes
Am I ugly?- no
Am I psycho?- no
Am I annoying?- no
Am I a good person?- hell ya
Am I odd? - no

2)******Would You******
Hug me?- yes
Kill me?- no
kiss me?- yes
Marry me?- no you have a gf
Miss me if I was gone?- yes
Listen to my problems?- yes
Hug me if I cried?- yes
Be a good friend?- I am your best friend da

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- I think your name is hott
Hook me up with someone who would it be?- your gf
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- me hehe sorry
Do one thing with me it would be?- what ever you like
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- live, learn, and have fun (get drunk) lol joke
4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?- you are my best friend
What do you hate about me?- nothing
What is my best quality?- you are loveable
Do you hate me? ((even a lil bit?))- no
Is my personality okay?- hell ya

1. Who are you?- you best friend
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- no I am your best friend
4. Are we good friends?- yes you tell me
5. Do we know each other in real life? ((nope no matter what nope lol))- ya
6. Am I cute? (if you are a dude skip this)- hell ya
8. Whats your favorite kind of music?- everything
9. Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you?? ya

Community Member

Tue May 15, 2007 @ 04:49am

AM I moody?- noooo
Am I sweet?- yessss!!
Am I crazy?- umm..yes!
Am I insane?- nupe
Am I funny?- yeah XD
Am I ugly?- noooooo!!!
Am I psycho?- nopeeee!!
Am I annoying?- nopee!
Am I a good person?- yeahh!!!
Am I odd? - nupes!

2)******Would You******
Hug me?- yeshh!!
Kill me?- nooo!!
kiss me?- on the cheek! XDD
Marry me?- same answer as jasmineee!!
Miss me if I was gone?- yeah. ;-;
Listen to my problems?- of course!
Hug me if I cried?- yeshh!!
Be a good friend?- yupp!!

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?-hottie mchot hot XDDD j/k!
Hook me up with someone who would it be?- a girl who can understand you! biggrin D
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- umm..your fangirls! XDD
Do one thing with me it would be?- spend time with you more! :]
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- smiles 'cause you don't know who'll like it? XDDD soo cheesy!

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do you like about me?- your personality. :]
What do you hate about me?- you being gorgeous! XDDDD j/k!!
What is my best quality?-
Do you hate me? ((even a lil bit?))-
Is my personality okay?- yeshh!!! X333

1. Who are you?- that one girl you talked to at towns XDD
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- not really :OOO
4. Are we good friends?- we just met :33
5. Do we know each other in real life? ((nope no matter what nope lol))- nopee. ;-;
6. Am I cute? (if you are a dude skip this)- baby cute! XDDD
8. Whats your favorite kind of music?- rock/heavy metal >>;; XDDDDD
9. Will you put this in your journal so I can answer these questions about you??- not really, sorry! ;-;

User Comments: [4]
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