Thursday, March 10, 2005
I HATE GEENA!!! >_< *enraged anger*
This morning I was lying down, trying to sleep in front of my locker right?
well, Gena comes, stands next to where I'm sleeping, and drops the huge-a** Social Studies book right next to my head! It practically scares the s**t out of me and I get up and say, "THAT'S not very nice!" She's like, "oh, sorry." (she totally didn't mean it) and I get up and and say, "this is ********' s**t." and walk away. I felt like going back to her and screaming at her, y'know? How can someone be that stupid? honestly, come on! I wanted to yell, "What the Hell's your problem anyway? Why do you insist on being a pest all of the time? Do you really like being a moron every hour of the day? Why are you always so friggin retarded?"...but, I didn't....Seriously, I should have gone back and kicked her in the face or beat her up or something....She's just so stupid! I hate her! I've always hated her and with everything that she does it just makes me hate her even more! GRAAH! O_< Anyway....hope your days went better than my morning.
---Invader_Champloo! O_O
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