Stuff that in your pipe and toot it! xd It sucks. Anyywho, I wanna write! Random Yaoi Scene between... uhh.....The guys from Beyblade! (random XDDD ) Lets make it.... Eh... Kai and Maxie! Yeah! Thats odd! XD Don't like, don't highlight and read ninja Max took a step back, face flushed from their team captain being so close. His blonde hair clung to his face, dripping, still wet from the team's shower. Kai took another step twords the blonde, enjoying how flustered he made the younger boy. His wine colored eyes burned into the soft blue ones of the other. Oh yes....Kai liked this look on Max. "Whats wrong, Maxie? Don't like a bit a fun?" Kai smirked, voice still monotone with a hint of seductive amusement. Max could have died. Kai Hiwatari's nose was touching his. Mortification? Disbelief? Possibly... Shyly he placed his hand on the captains chest and pushed lightly, laughing nervously. "V-very funny Kai...eh heh heh.." Kai blinked a bit surprised. It only lasted a second. Resisting a pout, he tugged Max back to him and pinned him to the nearest wall. "I wasn't playing." Max 'meep'ed , eyes widened to their extent. Did Kai just purr? If he hadn't been in the process of being molested ( possibly raped ) by his team captain he would have laughed. Rei was supposed to be the kitty.
...meh there goes my writing urge again XD
Ookibuns · Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 10:51am · 4 Comments |