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Shenlong's Journal
Things going on in my life.
Sorry Mom
Jeez... Crazy day today... First and most importantly, I want to say "SORRY FOR WORRYING YOU MOM!!!". I really didn't mean to, and I promise you I'm fine. You know I'm still not happy about being in the army, being stuck at Fort Drum and all that. But that's it. Just my everyday normal depression =/. Nothing crazy.

Second I want to say that I at least know I have one real friend after today. My friend Eric came through for me when I really needed him. He's not on Gaia yet, because his internet is messed up. But I sent him an invite, so he should be joining when his internet gets fixed. I really appreciate what he did for me today.

I edited my journal entry from yesterday down to almost nothing. I was really upset when I posted it and said some stupid crap. I left parts of it, because it was what I was feeling yesterday and I kinda wanna keep a record of it. That's part of why I keep this journal, so I can look back later and see what I was thinking on any given day. I also keep it so my friends and family can see how I'm feeling whenever they feel like it.

Well, I just ate and it's getting kinda late. So I think I'm going to go to sleep here soon. Can't wait for the weekend, it's been a pretty crazy week so far. Once again, I'm really sorry for worrying you mom (I swear I'm all right), and thanks Eric (I know you there's no need for thanks, but I really, really appreciate what you did for me today).

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