Life For love
By biggrin estiny Fruchey
Chapter 1
Hi!!!My name is Rose well that is what everyone calls me my real name is love!And no I
dont have a bf but I will live.Im 11 years old and I will be turning 12 July 25!YAY!
Today is the first day of School and im going to Inden Middle School.I started School when
I was 5.Hmmmm....Yet im so CRAZY and i am so stuped!Ya but you dont have to here about that.
I have a crush on a boy named Nic!He is so cute yet well he dose not like me.*sigh*
Nic has briht red hair lovely eyes i could swim in!He has short hair.I have long hair
mine is brown and i have blue eyes!
Chapter 2
at school
"KITTY KITTY!!"Said rose
Oh ya Petle is Roses friend her real name is Kitty.
"Oh hi Rose"Said Petle "Have You seen Dark flower?"
"Ya y?"Said Petle
"Caz i wanted to now thats y."Rose said
"oh."Said Petle
"Oh hey!!!"Said Dark Flower
Dark flowers real name is lowla.But She hates all ecsept her friends.
"Hey"Said Petle
"Hey"Rose said
The bell rang bringgggggggg
"oh thairs the bell well Bye"Rose said
"Bye"said Dark flower
"Bye"said Petle
I sat dowen next to Nic not noticing when
"hey"said Nic
"hey"Rose said as Rose looked over "oh its you"Rose said
"ya"said Nic "so so ah ah well"
"Well what"Rose said
"never mind"Said Nic
Rose's teacher started blabing her moulth talking about stuff well Rose stared at Nic wishing he would ask
her to go to the dance with him In my dreams Rose said to herself!He will NEVER ASK ME OUT!!!!Rose said in her head
He has a girlfriend all ready" Rose said!*sigh*
He looked at Rose.
"ah Y are u looking at me?" he said
"Oh ah shhhhhhhhh"Rose said
"o..."said nic
"shhhhhhhhhhh"Rose said
"I am so stuped!"Rose said "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is what I said im an ideat!"Said rose
"Why dont I tell him how I fell? ok I will!said rose"hhhhhaaahooooo"she blowed
she gets up
"What um ah"said nic "i kidda like you to."said nic
The teacher stared "SIT IN YOUR SEATS"screamed the teacher "And rose you are going dowen to the offes!"
said the teacher
"What why?"said rose
"You dissrupted the class!"said the teacher
Chapter 3
Why me?
Nic looked at rose love in his eyes as she got pulled to the offes!"Nic"rose wisped almost gone in the hallway
"what" he said
"i love you"rose said
she was in the offes waitting for the princable.
The priincable came out
"Rose you can come in now."said the prinsable.
rose got up and sat in a chair
"what what is my puishment?"rose asked crying
the princable said"dont cry."in a nice soft getal tone
"Why shoud i?I said to the HOLE class i like a guy!!And now im with you!"said rose
"it is ok i did the same thing wene i was about probly 15.So you go back to class ok doent worry."
"ok"she said snifling "thank you"said rose
Rose sat next to Nic.she grabed his hand his hand was bigger than hers.
She was happy he was her first love and her first boyfriend!
The bell rang thay both got up still holding hands and went to lunch.
thay sat next to eachether at her friends table one day then his friends table the nexted it
would keep going like that tell thay get out of school.
but it was thair first day being togeter so thay sat at her table.
Still holding hands the hole day.
"what is your chat room name"asked nic
"oh it is um!You will lahaf at me"said rose.
"no i wont."he said gazing into her eyes
"ok.....!It is Nicismylove!!"said rose
"oh he said mine is Roseismylove!"said nic
"realy?"said rose
"yes"said nic
thay walked to thair bus and sat in the same seat.
Chapter 4
Wellcome to chatmyearoff!were you talk to other teens and have fun!
Nicismylove:hey nic!
Roseismylove:hey Rose!
Nicismylove:Love ya!
Roseismylove:love ya too much!!
Nicismylove:same here!LOL
Roseismylove:will i C ya 2maro?
Nicismylove biggrin a Lol ya you will.Will you sit next to me in class?
Nicismylove:YAY Lets have a ddr!!!!
Roseismylove:What is a DDR?
Nicismylove biggrin O DOO DO DOO DOO
Roseismylove:LOL Ya i now i love you 2!!
Nicismylove: *Kisses*Kiss you at school 2maro lol!!
Nicismylove: LOL same here!
Roseismylove: So were you live i live at 9430 apple dr.
Nicismylove: NO WAY!! I LIVE AT 9439 apple dr.
Roseismylove: WOW my mom drives me to school i ride the bus home!
Nicismylove: Ask your mom if i can ride with ya?
Roseismylove: Ok.BRB ok
Nicismylove surprised k
Roseismylove:YAY SHE SAID YES!!!
Nicismylove:what time do i have to go to your house?
Roseismylove: 7:15
Nicismylove surprised k
Roseismylove: i cant wait tell you come over!
Nicismylove:I GTG! No fair it is 10:00 all ready
Roseismylove:I gtg to my bed time is 10:00 too!
Chapter 5
Rose got up to her mom every morning saying rose time to get up alltohow she sometimes
no all the time dident get up!
Rose looked at her clook.
she ran and got dreased and did her hair and grabed an apple and took a bit of it and looked at the time!
"BYE!"ROSE Screamed
She ran and ran all the way to nics!
She nocked on the door.
"Hello"said his mom
"Is nic thair?"said rose
"ya he is waiting for a girl named rose."said his mom
"im her"said rose
"Oh Come in Come in!"said him mom
Rose came in.Nic ran down his stairs!
"HEY!"said nic
"Hey!"Said rose
"Lets go."Said nic
"ok!"said rose
Thay walked out the door holding hands.His mom folowing behind.
Thay got in the car they sat in the back seat still holding hands.
Thay got to school.
"oh ya!" said Rose
"what?"said nic
"Downt you have a gf that is not me?"asked rose
"No i never had a gf you are the first!"said nic
"Realy?"said rose
"Ya!"said nic
He kissed her.Rose blused.he stoped.
"WOW!!!"Rose said in her head
Nic looked at her.
"What?"Said rose
"Oh um?Ah?"said nic
"What?"said rose agin
"Do?Do?You um..... whant to go to the dance with me?"nic said blushing
"ok."said nic
Thay blushed.
Thay were still holding hands and they got in the school.
"......NIC AND ROSE ARE GOING OUT!!!!!"Screamed a girl who had a crush on nic
Rose looked at the girl who screamed.She huged nic
"yep!and he is ALL mine!"said rose
Nic blushed.
The bell rang.
Thay went to class
"oh I forgot my book!"rose said
"I will get it my love."said nic as he got up.
"No it is ok but can we share yours?"said rose
"Shure."nic said
He sat dowen.
Rose's teacher started to blab her moulth agin.Nic and rose grabed eacheters hands.
they rote notes.
Chapter 6
your lob
Dear ROSE,
your love for your hole intire life!
Dear nic,
want to come to my hose or go to a movie today?
Dear rose,
Shure we can do both!
*Pulls rose close*
your nic
Whaen nic was passing the note when.
"WHATS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"SCREAMED THE TEACHER"we can read this to the class!
She read the notes to the class.Every word every breath she toke reading the
Notes to the class nic and rose sank dowen in thair chairs.They did not want the HOLE
Class the whole school to now althew it was a little to late seens she screamed her love for
nic to the hole class.
"GO DOWN TO THE OFFES NOW!!!!!!!!!"sacremed the teacher her face turning red!
Chapter 7
Offes agin
"Why are you dowen here agin?"aked the prinsable
"We passed notes.we are sorry."said rose
"Oh my gosh she is sending you dowen for stuff kids do!And you to together?"the prinsable asked
"Ya......"nic anserd
"Ya......"rose said.Rose looked dowen
They grabed hands.
they walked out of the offes.
"Our prinsable is cool,"said rose
"ya."said nic
rose blused.As she steped in front of nic and kissed him on the lips.
Nic blused.
Rose stoped.
She stod next to him agin and held his hand still happy his hand was bigger.
Chapter 8
Gym class
Rose got dresed and ran out the girls loccer room door to the gym.
Nic got dressed and ran out the boys loccer room to the gym.
They sat next to eachother.Holding hands.
"STREACHES!"Screamed the gym teacher
"JUMPING JACKS 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10!"
and so on they streached tell they had to run.
All the guys looked behind them to see nic and rose holding hands and runing.
All the boys looked at rose all the girls (exspeshily the girl who liked nic)
looked at nic.
A guy ran next to nic
"You dont love her!"The guy said
Nic stoped.
Rose stoped.
he wissperd to her
"yes.........yes..........I do!"nic said
"TODAY WE HAVE TO SWIM KIDS!!"screamed the gym teacher
They all ran to the side of the gym then they wacked out of the room to the swimming pool
in thair school!
They all ran to thair other changeing room's to get ready for gym.Rose ran and got changed and
sat next to the pool with her feet in it waiting for nic.Nic walk out of
the changing room and smiled at her and sat next to her witt his feet dangling in the nice
cool water.
Chapter 9
Rose got up so did Nic.When a girl walk up behind rose and pushed her in!
She fell and hit her head and fell dowen in the pool she was unconthes and fell dowen dowen
to the floor of the pool.Nic looked to she who pused rose and did not see anyone!
"Rose!"Nic yelled
He jumped in swam dowen were she was and grabed her he swam up and put her up to the ege of the pool
and jumped next to her.he pushed her stomeck water came out she was breathing but she was not awke!
The gym teacher finnaly came over finnly figgering out what happend!Nic ran and called on the pay phone
and called 911 and said what happend.He ran back to her.He looked at her and stroked her hair.
"I would do anyting for you."He wissperd
the abulens came.And toke her.
"we have roomfor one more!"The guy shotted in the abulns
Nic ran and jumped in next to her.
They took her to the hospidle.The school called her mom and dad and all of a sudden when nic
was sitting with her.Her parents burst thrue the door!
"MY BABY!"they both screamed.
They looked at nic.
"YOU PUSHED HER IN!"Screamed her father
"no no i dident im her boyfriend i saved her!"nic said looking at them.
Nic got pushed out the room!
"i hope she is all right!"nic wisperd to himself "i love her way to much!"
He cryed.And walked to the nurse.
"i will be going to get my gf something.My name is Nic d...."
"Ok.i dont need your name.But i hope your gf is allright."the nurse said to him
"Thanks." he said smilling a little.
he ran home.He ran to his room and grabed his $200.00 he was saveing seens he was 5.
He ran all the way to the store all the shopers looked at him he saw a tv every were
on the news it said he pushed rose in.So he ran to the back of the store.
"can i....get a....."still caching his breath from running so much.
"can i get 2 cell phones?"
"ok that will be 100.00 dallers please."the guy said
"ok." nic pulled out his money.
He gave him the money and the tax.
He ran to the hospital and ran insind and ran to the nurse can
"i go to roses room?"said nic caching his brath agin
"she woke up go to room 200 please they moved her to cheak her cut on her head."said the nurse
"is her parents gone?"he said
"yes they are they left a hour ago."said the nurse
"tanks!"said nic
He ran down to 200 and he opend the door and walked in.
"rose?"he said soft and gental and quit."are you ok?"
she looked at him.
"nic."rose said in a raspey low voce."im scared am i going t die?Im scared!"
Nic walked towerd her.He sat next to her.
"What day is it?"she asked quikly
"the 8th."said nic
"TOMARO IS THE DANCE!!"said rose looking at nic
"it is ok i will be here for you we can have a dance here in your room."said nic with a smile
on his face.
"i got you and me something."said nic pulling the cell phones out of his pockets.
One was pink with a pichere of a dog on it and pink silver eges.his had blue and a picture
of a cat with blue silver eges.
"aw"she grabed hers and put him in her fav 5.
She put her mom,dad,nic,Granda,Grandpa in her fav 5.
Nic put his Mom,dad,rose,grandma,grandpa in his fav 5.
"thank you!" she said with a huge smile on her face
school was over it was night and he sleeped in the hospitel with rose.
In the morning he called his mom on his cell phone and said
"i was at the hospital with rose."he said "can you call me in tell rose gets out?"
"Did you push her?"said his mom
"no!"said nic
"ok!"she said
"im going to pick up our home work thouh."he said "i will be with her tell she gets out kk."
"ok.Bye"siad his mom
"ok.bye"said nic
They hung up.
he got thair homework and walked to his house and got all the stuff he needed and
grabed his 2 ipods he got one for his b-day and his mom gave him the other.
He allways talked to rose so he put her fav songs on it.
He grabed a hug page and put close and games in it like xbox,kingdom hearts,minne dvd player,
Lots of dvds and more he had a sute case that roled and put the homework for the days they were
going to be gone in it.
He grabed everything even snaks so they could eat it when they were waching the movies.
He mom saw him.
"you going to walk thair?How did you get here?"sid his mom
"Can you drive me?And i walked every were.I baht a cell phone see
He pulled it out.
"it is nicer than mine!How did you get the money?"she asked
"i saved!"said nic
"ok.ok lets go."she said
----------------------- >here last stoped! <------------------------------
chapter 10
she gone
As they drove his mom saw nic texing someone.
"Nic who you texting?"his mom said
"Rose.Why?"said nic
"she had a cell phone cool."said his mom
"no mom a bohot her one......."he said realy soft.
They drove in and went in and parked he jumped out grabed his stuff and ran to her room his mom
ran after him.
"NIC WAIT!"she ran as she screamed that over and over
He ran to the front desk.
"were is she?She is not in the room were is she?"he paniced as he looked aroud
"They moved her in a new room to do sergry on her cut."said the girl at the desk"and my name is Missy.And she is i room 18
down stars."said missy
chapter 11
Roses sergry
Nic ran all the way to her room.
he ran he burst threw the doors of her new room.
"ROSE!"screamed nic
"shh.. she is sleeping.She got out of sergry and she is still nooked out from the sleeping gas."said the doccter
"ok."said nic walking to her
"he sat next to her and smiled at the sight of her smileing in her
sleep.He looked at her once agin."she needs a dress."he wisperd
she woke up.
"nic."she said in a low voice
she tryed to get up.nic looked at rose.
"Rose dont get up."said nic
"but it is the dance you said we could do and i have a dress i bought."said rose
"let me get the nerres."said nic
He looked for the bouten
( Oh ya im still working on it i now i now miss speeled words i havend goten to spell cheak yet...... sweatdrop 3nodding )
(THIS IS ONLY A SNEEK PEEK!! I will probly stop chapter 10?)
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