With seeing the other kids a little older them her paying down the hill and on the otherside of the gate to her house."Lila,were are you?" Yells some one. "I'm out here." Then someone opens the doors that lead to the porch were shes at. It was her family sevent, Palo. "Hiya Palo" Lila says. "your father requested me to come get you. He says to go to his office." "Ok thanks" Lila says getting up from her swing with her white siky long dress hitting the floor.Lila walks past many rooms in her house to lead to a room thats says"Office" opening the door to father sitting in his big black leather chair, talking on the phone. "Great ,great send them tomarrow. ok bye" he said on the phone heanging it upo he says" Lila come in i have to talk to you about something." Lila walks up to her father "Lila, i've nothiced you have been lonley lately.So i got you a friend , Here" he says handing her a box with holes in it. As she opens it a white head pops out of it ." Its a white fox able to live in any invoiroment. I know how much you like fox's." Lila replys"thanks dad"
"No problem, just make sure to feed it once a day"
Lila sits in her room petting her fox gentily" Do you wanna see the garden?" she asks the fox. The fox looks up at her . "Ok let go " as she gets up and walks out of her room with the fox following her. she goes though the front door because the maids are busy cleanig the back room that leads to the back. as she walks up front she looks behind her and sees her fox ,she picks the fox up and notchs a strange man stitting ina a beat up car talking on a cell phone. Lila opens the side gate and goes to the garden. "Isn't it pretty. we have all sorts of flowers and fruit plants here." Lila walks up to the white roses " These are the prettiest, the roses" ,Then her fox jumps out of her hands and on to the gate that has the roses on it . Then Lila got an idea. "I know the perfect name for you , White Rose. You match the roses." Then a little while later when Lila and white rose were in the back of the garden Lila noticed smoke, dark smoke going into the clear blue sky, Then she climbs the gate holding grapes and peers over al of the plants and sees that the smoke is coming from her house!"Oh no mom ,dad ,Palo!" Lila yells worried . She jumps down but her dress gets caught on the vineyard, she pulls to get it free and rips it, but she didn't care she had to get mom and dad. She picks up white rose and runs towards the house ,but she couldn't get in because the back room was on fire so she had to go thought the side gate and stoped because she saw the strange man running down the hill from the house and jumping the gateto his beat up carand driving away, she also saw the kids alarmed at the fire and yelled for them to call the police. Then Palo came running out "Weres lila?! Is she still in there?!" "Palo im right here!Wheres mom and dad?" "there still in side!" Then thefire trucks camr and tried to put out the fire ,ut the fires anger was too feirce to clamdown ,then the fire got to the garden and it burnd too.
Lila sat on the hill with white rose and palo, she had streams of tears coming down her cheeks. The only things she had were the clothes she was wearing and a bag filled withher jornal and books. She turned back to her house that was now just black dust every were. She saw a amblulance come for her mother and father who are dead.........
Lila and winter rose left there home and went on there own way...........
Lila lived in a big neborhood, So she had to walk a mile to get to the buildings and subways. She had a little bit of food and money so she had to buy soem food for her and white rose.
When she finally got to the town shetook the subway and wanted to go to some were where she could live alone .So she chose the desert in Arizona. So he train ride was long and she finally got to arizona but the dust kept getting in her mouth so she put on a red face mask to sheild her mouth. she found a small village that looks poor. they looked all freaked out and fromed a circle around this guy who was telling a story .Lila joined in. but didn't take intrest and left after 3 minets .She walked into an alleya dark alley and sat behind a dumpsterlonley and petted white rose, as she petted her she tought about her home, her room , her family, her looking out into the street whatching the other kids play........
She heard something fall out of the dumpster she was sitting behind. She got up to look it was something dark but it brought a purple light . she opend the dumpster and found a shadow ,the ones she saw on tv know to be rare and great friends.
she picked it up and he flamed were on her hands but didn't burn her .
The shadow looked up at her"please don't hurt me, im lonley and have no friends"
it said "Why would i hurt you i have no friends ethier well except for white rose."
"oh well since you found me , well will you be my friend?" the shdow asked jumping out of Lilas hands."sure ill be your friendi have none and have come here to start a new life." So shadow had become friends and Lila had had more friends then ever.
she buildt a cabin and lived in there for a long time and white rosehas grown a lot so shadow, white rose and herself havedlived whitout any problems any more .Every day Lila misssed her mother and father more andmore.
she lived peacefully with her friends.