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The Rants and Life of a Madwoman
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My boredom list.
The title says it all folks. Seeing I have little else to do, I made a list of the places I frequent. I know this would make it easier for any "stalkers" I might have in the future (Already got rid of one...), but what the hell.

I'll be editing this from time to time.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 10, 2004 @ 10:26am
Awww!!! You're soo sweet! *melts while reading his bar on your list*

Right now i'm trying to get back into the working world, aside from a bunch of other constant annoyances which always seem to be popping up...but as soon as I find that I can put some serious time into your RP, I'm there!

I've also been trying my best to get into your bar when mine is slow, but because i'm such a "dead of night'' person...i'm usually the only one awake when I'm in there sweatdrop .

I'm definately in awe of how you manage to find time for all those things, plus what you do in life.

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