Music: Sensefield-Save Yourself Reading- Housekeeping by Marylinne Robinson Feeling- Like shizznat run over by a bus and a steamroller
Yeah..I decide to bore you all with angsty fun.....or not really.
As of late, I'm sick...some sort of virus that's draining me like no tomorrow. I'm not sure what it is....and nothing I take makes me feel better. So yeah...I'm trying to ease back a bit but its just not working. A lot of you know I just...can't laze around...EVER.
I'm withdrawing from my theatre class....firstly because I obviously don't need it if the professor tells me its not for theatre majors...which I'm not yet....I'm still undecided...and secondly because she is like..the uber b***h who has had it out for me since the first time I saw her. Apparently I'm not majoring in theatre here...nor do I want to if they don't want me in their program.
The art's going well....finding new styles every day....still frustrated at how bad I suck.....I'm really just frustrated at myself I guess....nothing I do seems right any more...and nothing I can do is good enough...if I've let any of you down..I'm honestly sorry. I want to try and help you all, but its seemingly impossible when I can hardly help myself...and when I can't help myself..hardly anyone is there for may tell me you are..but being there and saying it are two different things.
Sorry for being a downfall...sorry for being a failure..sorry for not living up to your potential. Most of you tell me I'm something extraordinary..but I don't feel it... not in the least....I'm average..probably lower than that even....but the fact remains..that I'm sorry if i've ever been a problem..if I've ever caused you grief....if I've ever hurt you. I'm sorry
jenna_chan2 · Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 04:10pm · 1 Comments |