I'm having a day where I am unsure of things... I miss a certain someone. I don't get to talk to him much anymore. It's nice to get letters/postcards from him...I don't really have much of a brother/sister relationship any more, with any of my REAL brothers or sisters... and the way we talked made it seem like I did again, but I don't hear from him much... things seem to be going wrong for him, but I'm not sure.
Schools all right I guess. Everything else is, I suppose, I don't want to jinx it.
I need to work things out, things in my head. Where do I start? I'm not sure. I have little to no niche. I can write and people trust me enough to talk to me and work things out with me, but I can't get things clear in my head. So many things I want to do, but no idea where to begin. Works well I guess... Well if anyone even bothers to read this, highly unlikely, feel free to drop an advice. Gladly accepted.
Shy_Red · Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 02:16am · 0 Comments |