She always helped people because she just wants to for some reson. but that all changed one day when she was cleaning the attic she found a box in the back of the attic all dusty. It said "Goddess Element". She relized thet was her moms last name before she marryed her dad. So she goes down sairs to her mom and asks "whats in this box?" "Oh ..........where did u find this?" her mom responded
"In the attic all the way in the back." "Come here." as her mom went into her room with Semeria following her with the box in her hands. As she went in she closed the door and locked it"Ok i'm going to tell you something i never have told anybody...." opeinig the box pulling out a neacklas with a bright glow on it"Honey, i never told you this but befor i marryed your dad I was a goddess in the sky no
one has seen in ages.

"What?! I'm only a 13 year old girl i can't be a goddess!"
"Think about it.You'll want to b back soner or later......
At the market place Semeira was thinking"A goddess, jez its a big honner in all but im busy all ready. If some one asks me to baby sit what am i spose to say "sorry I can't i have to go be a goddess". Should i do it . Or should i not........"
Semeria went to her mom . she'll be a goddess.
she got the box and put on the neacklas and the next thing she knows is that shes on a cloud above the village with her mom as her goddess fourm
"Since you have become a goddess im my place, my exeitance is no longer on earth......." fading away ...
"No.!" runningtowerds her mom and runs right past her....
Now her mom was gone forever. Then a tears come to her eyes "What have I done, my own mother is gone " Then she notices her arms have robes on them and a circlet on her head .
she was now...........
Goddess Semeia