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You can punish me God, if you exsist, (which I'm starting to doubt) but why her?
What did she ever do?
She held me when I cried, supported me when I thought I would fall, tried to patch me up when I broke.
She is one of the literal reasons I'm still alive.
Down, not across....
She was one of the people I did that for.
And one of the people I stopped for.
She is one of the people I cry for, cry with.
Laugh for, laugh with.

She has become a part of my happiness.

I guess I'm eternally damned, I never denied it.
I never gave into it, either.
But if you're going to punish them for just being with me, then why allow me near them at all?
What are you going to do to them next?
You've given her one of the few fates worse than death.
Why are you doing that?
Leave her ALONE!
Nothing except to try to live in this unlivable world.

Stop, stop, STOP!
I would leave her be if it would help her, but it's too late.
We're already too close.
Sisters can't cut ties.

I would die if it would make her smile, but I suppose it has the same respect as the above.

Why, why why?
Leave them be.
You hurt me.
I've repented.
Don't make them repent for things they haven't done.

Don't make sweet sister pay for mistakes that were good and righteous.

Don't take away her hope.
But wait, you have.

Then I'll get down and beg you, I'll type it, write it, scream it a million times for the world to hear.
Don't keep that hope forever.

I can't give her any of mine, I have none to spare.
I can't hold her up, I'm already fallen.
I can't dry her tears, I already have too many of my own.

But I have to try.
Not even NEED, but want.
Want in a way that becomes a need.
And not because I owe her or something stupid.
She never asked for anything in return.
But she got something.
The ties that we can't break, our sisterhood.
She got my love.

I love her, Lord, so if you listen, give me the strength to find her wings again.
Give me my last strength so I can create for her some hope.

Audra Connolly
Community Member
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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 11:54pm

    thanks Rina,
    but my task at hand is to keep not me, but YOU up.
    I've delt with worse things than this.
    Its not the end, just the end of something I was looking forward to is all.
    I'm sure it will slip out of my mind eventualy.
    but promise me.
    One thing.
    keep fighting.
    "cause if you wont,
    I will for you.

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