ina small kingdom of Lorovia. There was a king and a pincess . the king was shelfish.All he cared about was gold and makeing the kingdom better than the kingdom next to his ,Geovia. The princess was blind and had no eye color. So she coverd her eyes with a speial material.Moonlight silk.She was always silent.She uses a staff to feel were she was going.she always loved the moonlight even thought she couldn't see it ,but she could feel it.She was in charge of the kindoms food suply. Then she felt that she neded to leave the kingdom and live a new life on her own, but that could never happen she couldn't even leave the castle. The king thinks she might get lost. So she is gaurded by a gaurd every second.One day the princess went ito the bathroom were the gaurd can't come andjumped out the wimdow and ran away because she hated her life with no freedome.then with her power she made her own life in the forest that seprate Geovia and her kingdom. her life was better ever since.......... one day she took off her blind fold and she could see clearly. she was so amazed. She looked at her blind fold and relized it was magic ,but her eyes still had no color. so she lived peacefully in the forest. But back at the kingdom the king never relized she was gone for a mounth then he sent everyone of his gaurd to look for her and never found her........
The Thirteenth Promise · Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 07:00am · 1 Comments |