Today I went on a mission.My friends abondond me and I was in my hour of thought.I was traveling through the deep depths of my subconsioucness when my mind atacked.Actually it was a raid. I had let my guard down far to long and I was being transformed into a exclaim HOLLOW exclaim My spiritual essence was faiding until my friend saved me.Her zampakto rammed through the first holows mask giving me the chance to draw my Rebellion Zangetsu.I sliced the other hollows mask right off after I cleaved its limbs and watched it wreath in pain.As I am on my search for the mask one thing still haunts me.That hollows face looked familiar.Like when of my twisted ninja friends.Then it hit me and I was infuriated I realized that in the mere second it took me to destroy the hollow.My friend had become that hollow.Thats why the mask had not been exercised.Thus I am on my journey to find its odd ninja mask. ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja
They're all going to teleport and find you if you dont help me get a mask exclaim rofl
demonic_shinigami Community Member |
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