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The Rants and Life of a Madwoman
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Someone explain to me what the point of the hangouts are? I'm not sure about them. If you wanted to chat one-on-one with someone, couldn't you just PM them? Eh. Whatever.

Anyways, I'm starting to get annoyed with RP Revelations. We need to get a little more orginized. A lot of members are inactive, a lot of threads are dying, and the guild isn't even that old yet. Too many people are losing interest already.

So, how to keep interest? This is a big issue. Should we recruit more members? PM the members that haven't posted? Have some sort of recruiting party? I don't know.

Another point is the threads that are being created. They don't have much thought into them. Gundam and Rurouni Kenshin? Fine, if they come up with an original plot. But do they? No. They ask you what character you want to be and don't give you a story. What's up with that? Fuggin' annoying.

I've been in a video game and a book based RP. Were they the same story? No. A whole new story was created for the both of them. Could you play the characters? No. They were NPC who simply introduced the story, nothing more.

I don't know why I let things like this bother me. I guess I feel its just getting out of control. *Sigh*

I'm not even that active in TSN. Why? For different and simular reasons. The guild is getting to be too active, if that makes any since. I just get so behind that I kind of give up. Too many people make too many stupid threads and the ones that are worthwhile are filled with crap.

Oh well.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Feb 16, 2005 @ 08:31am
I agreed to join, and I'll try my best to make your invitation count toward a better guild...

But it may take a bit to get into it...and for the love of grapes, ya gotta talk to me a bit more! The only reason I agreed in the first place, is because I saw your sn at the bottom of the mod list sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Wed Feb 16, 2005 @ 08:54am
I attempted to use the new hangout feature with you, but it kept telling me that you only accpeted hangout from people on your friend list. As I am on your friend list, this puzzled me a little.

Sweet Revenge
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Feb 18, 2005 @ 12:13am
^_^ This is what happens when you give too much leeway and recruit too many guild members. People start thinking they can do whatever they want, which results in something you might not like. Not to mention, I bet many of them in the guild have different interests from one another so sometimes the threads created don't hold their interest. I prefer threads anybody can join with originality. Because you're one of the Crew members, it's really up to you to change things. They are, after all, only members. If you want to hold their interest..have them take a poll on what kinds of threads they like to participate in. Then, make some rules. You have too many members with different interests and too few of them with similar specific interests. I'm only suggesting because I'm new to all this so I wouldn't know. =P Thanks for the comment on my journal.

Oh..and I don't know about you, but PMs sometimes don't send for me. I haven't tried the hangout, but I just know that the PMs on Gaia sometimes don't send for me. crying Hard to keep up with a thread when your PMs don't send.

commentCommented on: Fri Feb 18, 2005 @ 01:12am
The hangouts are just quicker than PM. :/

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