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The Rants and Life of a Madwoman
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My Conversation. Lots of quotes. Deal.
monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge


Oh my. surprised heart

I'll stalk you forever. I know where you sleep. xd

heart Oh, really now? D: Who told you? Was it Bob? Or maybe Joe.

monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle

heart Oh, really now? D: Who told you? Was it Bob? Or maybe Joe.

Neither. It was Jose.

Oh. redface Jose. Yes.

He also told me about what happened on that trip to Idaho. You're a naughty boy. surprised

Idaho...? OH. Idaho. xd

monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle
Idaho...? OH. Idaho. xd
Yes, Idaho. sweatdrop

xd I see. And did he tell you when Fred...?
No, he told me about Jason. What about Fred?

Well, Jason did almost the same thing as Fred. But Fred did it first.

Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle

Well, Jason did almost the same thing as Fred. But Fred did it first.

Oh my. And you, Fred, and Jose...?

And Jason. 3nodding

Wait... What about Bob?

monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
monkies uncle
Sweet Revenge
Wait... What about Bob?

You're getting it confused. Bob was in Georgia. cool
You're all over the place, aren't you? And you think I would know this, me being your stalker and all.

One would think so. xd

I should go now before I get caughters. >>

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