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My own world, and what happens in it. Do you really want to know what goes on in my life? You might actually BE LOST IN MY DAYS! MWA-HA HA HA HA! Okay, not really, just more like, you'll sit there and wonder what I'm saying

Community Member
Need more gold so my stupid dream avi will be done. Although it's not a dream avi it's just a cute winter avi =3 I like it ^^ It reminds me of my school days heart and all these good songs on VH1 keep coming on so it's making it really uber hard to go to bed although I have work tomorrow and I have an odd feeling that I'm going to have to drop off Zena and I won't have to wake up until like eleven XD how kick a** is that?

Anyway yeah, just posting for gold so that I can finally get this avi over 'cause I want the stuff but I'm tired of workign for it =/ and I want the new donation items to come out 'cause god knows I've already bought enough of the december ones XD let's see, one elemental hair, three roses, and two swords = six in all XD damn that's enough for me O.o lawls!

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