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yo u yo.. XP

Community Member
ok so i havnt been writing *typin* in my journal much.. so this is gunna be a long entry.. x.x;; well lets see my christmas was almost perfect.. b/c of a certain incident that caused me to want to leave my house cuz i m sick and tired of it.. i gots to spend my christmas w/ my best friend, my older sister, and with my boyfriends family.. whom i adore to death.. they hav the kewliest pets.. whee but yea.. the fewd was awesome and the dessert.. lets jus say that we all ate a lot .. too much.. lolz.. me my friend n my boyfriend later we decided to go to the workout room.. there we worked out while watchin spirited away *i love that movie* 4laugh i was workin on a six pack.. it burns.. x.x ;; i admire those who can workout vigorously.. lol.. so lets see.. the day after xmas.. i gots to hang out with once again the kewliest best friend ever and my other friend thats a guy.. and we all went to dunkin donuts and drank a white hot chocolate.. its prettie gewd.. 3nodding 3nodding after that we went to the mall and we chilled there.. its amazing all the time u hav and yet u do nothin but walk around .. and still feel that u had a great time.. xd i had loads of fun.. and geez if u read this whole entry that means that u hav no life.. or meybe u jus love me that much.. haha.. 4laugh heart


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