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The Neurotic Cabbage Head Using this digital account as my vessel, I shall rule all vegetables, in that I barely move!

Community Member
Merry Christmas, homies!
**Warning** Extremely melodramatic account of my Christmas. Do not read if you have a severely short attention span, hate whining, are completely devoid of emotion, or have the Phial of Galadriel and like it.

I do believe this was the oddest Christmas ever. Normally, my dad's side of the family gets together on Christmas Eve and drinks. Last year, one of my cousins got terribly drunk. He was upset because my uncle wouldn't drive him home (he didn't want vomit in his new mustang), so he started singing and dancing. The 14% of the clan that was not tipsy that night give him a hard time about it, saying he ruined Christmas for the kids. This year, no one drank a DROP of alcohol for fear of ending up like this cousin. No one outside my family could possibly understand what a strange and unheard of phenomena this is.
Presentwise, my mom did an amazing job as per usual. The woman is Martha Stewart without the psychotic control freak crap. I got a couple of my Lord of the Rings replicas (yes. I'm a money-wasting dork). The Phial of Galadriel will be sent back promptly. It sux0rs most definitely. Something that was supposed to be glass and delicate ended up being a clunking peice of plastic with silver plastic decal. It also wouldn't fit into the poorly crafted stand correctly. For something so expensive, it could have at least been glass. o.O DON'T BUY IT. I also got a display stand for my necklace I bought last year... also not worth the money. It was made to display that particular necklace, and it wasn't even big enough for the charm to fit in. It was also poorly crafted. Noble Collection is teh swindle. I think I'll send both back and give the money to my parents for their trouble. But then my mommy saved the day and made me a blanket. The material has lots of pretty wolves on it. ^.^ My grandpa got all us kids cell phones, which is great because I've always wanted a brain tumor (pardon me: 'another' brain tumor). I could tell he was lonely without my grandma, even with the room full of people. I can't describe that look, the one where even though someone is in a crowd they look like they're somewhere secluded. o.o Someone give me the word for that.
Fuu, the demon ninja retarded b*****d cat had a blast with all the presents this morning. She was waiting outside my door when I woke up at 5 AM like, "Where the hell have you been! Santa came!" It was like a ginormous present castle just for her. She kept tagging the dogs on the rear and running into a pile of gifts before the bigger one could catch her. My sister got me one of those poofy shower sponges for my stocking, and Fuu ran off with it in her mouth... I haven't seen it since. She carries things off like that all the time... I swear she's got a hoard somewhere in the house.
I got plenty of books (most of them were from myself >.> wink . Also an N64 game pak, which I asked for about eight years ago....o.o

Disregard the typos. I've been up since 5 and don't feel like reading back through all this crap.

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-Blind Voyeur-
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Jan 03, 2007 @ 02:59am
The part where you cat ran off with your shower poof made me giggle XDDD I've been surrounded by 8 cats this past week that would've done the same thing XD

O.o....Next time ask for game system stuff before they come out?

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