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Blue Mist's Journal I'm Emo so DEAL!!!!!

Blue Mist
Community Member
Just a bit of this and that...
So I have'nt been on much. Okay maybe just for a day I was offline but seriously. Anywhoo today I went to church and then went home slept for a while. Woke up and went to my grandmas house to have dinner. We opened a couple of presents. Oh! I also got a present from my mom's sister of the lord. Or somethin like that...So I got three frickin presents! WHoot Whoot! I felt a bit special today. emo Oh and by the way wtf is up with these damn emo icons?!? Gaia is so ******** stereotypical! I mean not all emos cry or wear thick rimmed glasses. I mean COME ON! Oh and A Christmas Story is on so its kind of whatever. Do you ever wish that some of your Gaia friends where your REAL friends? I sometimes wish that my 'friends' did'nt suck so bad. I mean they are ALL ******** posers! One of them is supposed to be 'Goth' but his own friend for life thinks he is a poser too! And then theres this total dumb b***h. Who I swear is trying to be like me! She repeats my phrases and hangs around me and my friends. She's trying to act like me a lot! I'm not that great! I dont even think she is anything. THen its all that crap like hardcore people dont have labels. True but hardcore people dont go around sayin their hardcore! Posers say their hardcore. Their just about as hardcore as my third ball! WHICH DOES NOT EXIST BY THE WAY!

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