At Claires i got new footless tights that were $8.12 (They are like black and white stripped, so they are like werid lol.) At the same place, i dropped a penny (which i didnt know) and a 10 year old girl had said "you dropped your penny." lol, i said thanks and as i walked out i thought to mehself, "There are nice preteens in this world...haha." There was a group of 3 blonde girls (around 16) that had normal santa hats on and they looked at meh funny. what, i was wearing my anti santa hat with black. meh gawd...its only xmas holiday spirt. At Charlies in the Anitioch mall, there was a group of ppl that annoyed the bejeses outa meh. here's the reason why...
1. They blasted meh ears with their loud vocies while i went inside the bathroom hallway. how mean. my ears needed to recover from it.
2. They annoyed all the ppl inside charlies cause one of them got in a fight with their bf...and the bf won. ha, and thats not the first part.
3. WE HAD TO SIT NEAR THEM..and they looked at meh mom and grandma and MEH funny. jeez, "just because i dont have huge boobs doesnt mean you can look at meh funny you idiots" i thought.
4. they got more ppl to join them...
In the end they left, yay.
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