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My own world, and what happens in it. Do you really want to know what goes on in my life? You might actually BE LOST IN MY DAYS! MWA-HA HA HA HA! Okay, not really, just more like, you'll sit there and wonder what I'm saying

Community Member
Just another entry.
Getting more money towards my quest for posting this...

Well the event was fun but now it's taking so long to do ANYTHING I'm really getting frustraited with it. The things that I think will sell the best are from the alien santa: the water meats and lucky stars. Afterall, the long bull horns and the santa hats are too... odd. >< I mean, there really are just a few people who like cows enough to add those in as an average avatar.

Hmm, I think I'll put all the doubles I have into my storage so that when it becomes later I know they'll shoot up in price =3 Sounds like a good idea to me *shrug*

Ugh, I'm now 18k and still quite a bit to go >< This is so frustraiting, I don't wanna quest anymore but I'm tired of all my old cloths =/ and it'll be nice to actually have a different color. *sigh* I need more cloths. All the cloths that I have usually only fits with the outfit I bought the rest of my cloths with. It's time I got more stuff to mix and match =3 that'll be nice!

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