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Freaky a** Dream
Last Friday, I had this seriously freaky dream. It was so vivid in some parts, I could tell you exactly what I was wearing or looking at. It started out in like a hospital, forgive some of the fogginess here, and there were doctors all around me, asking me, who did it? I didn't know what they were talking about? Who? Did what? To who? Me? They started to blame Jamey, but whatever it was, I KNEW it wasn't Jamey. All of a sudden a HUGE IM like appears outside of the window and it's Jamey, lol. So apparently, that ruled him out of...whatever.
The next thing I know, me Melly, two guys and three couples are all huddled in a van, flooring it down some road that ends up a dead end. Well Mel and I freak out telling them to turn around and the three couples are just worried bout' how long it would take to get unclothed, so e and her and the two other guys get in the front and turn the ******** around, but as we do, we end up down another road that is LITERALLY advertising a Haunted House! So trying to get them to turn around. So we end up at some big a** warehouse looking building and right away, as soon as we for some stupid reason get inside, we are surrounded by what? Naked-Vampire-Flesh eatin' beauties! So of course the other 6 people are killed right away. I don't know where the two guys went, but they were gone. We somehow managed to stay alive and were cornered by two of these chicks. One of us had a knife and we managed to tell one of them that we may both die,but we would be taking at least one of them with us. This worked in our favor, cause' she said something about going ahead and killing the other chick, well that pissed the other one off and she killed her! Nice work... So then everything flipped and went back to what it "once was." A big a** victorian house! And there I am in a long blue dress, that i could accurately describe...down to probably the last frik'n piece of lace. And what am I? Yep, you got it, the girl who cannot get pregnant, was pregnant not to mention some goddamned guest of honorm cause the same chick that ad once tried to kill Mel and I was parading me around. I remember like going upstairs or something and looking down to all the guests, the house was white and brown wood, like cottag-ey looking, but ritzy. I went up the stairs, trying to find a way out cause Mel and I weren't sure if this chick remembered what she had just done or tried to do, but I entered a room that was a nursery, and this freaked me out, being pregnant and all so I booked it down the stepd and we went out back and the funny thing was, Mel wasn't there during al this, I THOUGHT she was there, and I could "sense" her there, but she never was. So "we" went out back and there was a pool and some how or another, I fell in and a little girl did and for a moment I was the little girl and I remember not being able to breath, but when I came to the surface I was, me again and the pool was a pond, with leeches all over me, so I started to pull them off, but was afraid they would hurt, but eventually, I just ripped them off. Then, Heather woke me up and I actually brushed my legs off....cause I could still feel the leeches it seemed like.... eek

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    Community Member

    Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 09:17pm

    eek ..... wow.....My dreams are never that interesting or freaky......god I need better dreams

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