Since times of old, many parents have tried to make their spoiled children behave by threats of coal in their stockings. Most heed this caution and recieve a visit from Santa, who fills their homes with wonderful presents. However, one child didn't heed the wise words of his Mother. So little Charlie went about throwing slushballs at other children, drawing all over the walls with his crayons, and tearing off all sister's Barbie(tm) heads.
When Christmas Eve rolled around, instead of hearing Santa's jolly laugh, Charlie was woken by the curse of a high pitched voice. Creeping down the steps, he fearfully gazed into his living room. A small female gingerly rubbed her backside in his fireplace, saying a very large amount of words Charlie would have wrote on the yellow wallpaper. Checking a notebook as dark as the soot in the fireplace, she trailed her finger along the stocking until she reached Charlie's. Her cat asistant mewed, and nudged against the fairy's leg. "This one? Okay." She dumped her mug upside down into the stocking, whatever being inside it landing with a small thump. The next morning, little Charlie eagerly reached into his stocking, wondering what the odd little spirit had left the night before. When his hand withdrew, sitting calmly in his hand, and covering his fingers in dark soot, was a large lump of coal.
My avi is Teh Coal Elf because of her icy tones, which come from working at the north pole, black shoes and wings because of her constant trampling in fireplaces and coal mines for her "presents", a magic mug for storing large amounts of coal, a book of names of naughty children, a eyepatch from an accident in the mines, and her pet cat, who used to be white before he started helping her with her job.
Heh heh, this is my Christmas avi. I just might go into the arena with it. 3nodding
Due to the random changes of my wadrobe, the avi may or may not be the Coal Elf. ^^;