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Destiny Underwood wrote:
Tuwaku wrote:
~ Once again, Tuwaku awoke in his apartment, the dank air leaked in under his covers and forced his to awaken. He sat up and shook his head, looked around and saw an endless mess. Tuwaku stood up and cracked his back, knowing that something must be done. He was in a much better mood now, in the closet was a broom with a thick web on it. Tuwaku looked at it and cringed ~

I'll start with theh laundry and trash.

~ He ran through his home, picking up the cloths and throwing out all the garbage on the floor, under the sofa, and on the hangers ~
-she appears in the shadows and watchs him she raises a brow and grins as she sees a sock on the floor she makes it move away from him when he trys to pick it up-

~ Tuwaku reaches for the sock again, but it crawls away from him, he places the dirty cloths on the floor and readies to pounce it ~

Easy bugga. I know yew haven't bin washed, but lets not be moveing now.

~ He pounced on the sock ~
-she laughs and quickly covers her mouth so she wont be heard she moves her head to the side as the sox wiggles out from under him and jumps away-

Bloody hell?!? Iz that why I should wash meh cloths?

~ He laid low to the floor boards and readied an attack, but first he watch the sock. While laying low, he drew a deringer and readied a shot ~

-she moves her head to the oposite side making the sock fly into your face she laughs and falls back on the floor-

~ Tuwaku grabbed the sock and threw it onto the pile, he stood up and took aim at Destiny. A deringer couldn't break skin, but in fact, sting like hell! He fired at her, landing a shot on her rump ~

Mess with meh eh? I was gonna try and learn ta read afta this laundry, but now I'm gonna hafta watch meh back.

~ Tuwaku put away his pistol and picked the cloths back up, he put them into a big brown bag and carried them down stairs to the laundry room ~

Wanna come with eh lass?

-she laughs and moves away leaving her shadow to be shot she looks at him and nods laughing-
yeah sure
-she gets up and runs next to him-

User Comments: [2]
Nina Shadow
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Feb 02, 2005 @ 02:46am
soo? why dont you clean your place more often? hmmm?

comment Commented on: Wed Feb 02, 2005 @ 02:51am
I don't know really, I guess I didn't feel happy until recently.

~ the laundry tipped over a bit as Tuwaku reached the last step ~

Community Member
User Comments: [2]
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