I just finished watching Hellboy. That was pretty good... I am home alone again. No big suprise there... I received a pen-pal today in Sociology class. Her name is Angel. What are the odds? I want to know what exactly it is that my dog sees in this house? Dogs can see things that we cannot. There is a much more elaborate explanation to this, but in a nut shell, we have two sets of nerves in our eyes. One that sees colors, most at certain temperatures ( I probably said that wrong, the word is probably not temperatures...) But anyways...the other sees certain rays and fields of light. Either way it goes one of these nerves srt f shuts down at certain levels of....something so we cannot see. A dogs however, does not. What does this mean? Yep, you got it, dogs can see spirits (a.k.a ghosts, they don't like to be called ghosts sometimes even spirits because they don't know/want to be dead and that word angers them.) So I will be sitting here, alone, well with the dog so I guess you can't say I am really alone and she will proceed to get into my lap and look out in the other direction...at nothing...Well being that I am alone as far as no other language-abl( lol now that is NOT a word.) speaking people in the house, she cannot be loking at someone other than me. So who is it that she is staring at? Do I have to worry about being watched by a spirit while I pee? Cause I tend to do that with the door open.... Current Mood: exclaim razz
Shy_Red · Tue Feb 01, 2005 @ 09:23pm · 0 Comments |