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The Neurotic Cabbage Head Using this digital account as my vessel, I shall rule all vegetables, in that I barely move!

Community Member
Holy jalepenos!
I don't think it's coincidence that I take pleasure in stating the obvious but get exremely annoyed at others when they do the same. I also don't think it's coincidence that Mi-chan's cheese came on the exact day of Thanksgiving break and I lack the mental capacity to get into a vehicle and drive over to her house with the intention of giving her that particularly delicious looking, but small, container of fundraiser jalepeno cheese. My theory is that someone is 'making' me stupid, so it really isn't my fault if I state the obvious all the time and I don't feel like supplying my friend with her much needed dairy product. It also isn't my fault that it has taken me 12 minutes thus far to type this post because I'm typing it with one hand. It is 'definitely' not my fault that yesterday I went to a playground on the Scioto river. It is also not my fault that I thought it'd be a good idea to slide down the fireman's pole and burn my hand on it because I'm a RETARD. Someone MADE me do that, and I don't know who it was, but my stupidity is still not my fault. Now my coffee is cold =S

User Comments: [2]
-Blind Voyeur-
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 03:25am
NO!!!!! Not cold coffee crying Nope, it's not your fault at all XD That damned pole. You don't lack the mental capacity as much as you lack a license.

Mmmmmmm, kase *drools strocks*

My precious. dramallama

comment Commented on: Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 05:20am
........WTF was he dicking around the prop room for? Was he trying to look at his self rolleyes

I just wanted to punch his face in at the cast party stare

-Blind Voyeur-
Community Member
User Comments: [2]
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