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So smart! I had to change the sns so you wouldn't know them
I'm so ******** brilliant.

Im One:
me: Hello
them: who r u?
me: You know me, Nightowl. The Redwolf told me I would find you here. I know all about the soap box drug scandal. You can't hide it.
me: The entire Armenian race is against you.
me: Give it up.
them: lol hi kyla
me: Oh, so "kyla" is involved in the scandal? We'll track her too, Nightowl. Fear not. And after all, we've supressed your memory of the secret kingdom of Aboligifhfhe. So you're not an issue of reporting anything to the Nazi2s.
them: ok now im confused
them: who is this?
them: & please no code names
them: the name u were born with is the one i want
me: We live in the shadows, we speak not the names. The secret spy agents. But if I tell you my name, do you swear to tell me thw information to the scandal?
them: wat scandal?
them: oh wait do u mean homecoming?
me: So homecoming is where you slipped the info to the Nazi2s?!
them: wat info?
them: holy shiz im so frikin confused
them: who are u?
them: seriously
me: Don't play dumb.
them: ?!?!?!
me: You know who I am, Nightowl.
them: is this kyla?
me: Or should I say... Andrea.
me: Yes, we know your name. You hid it well for too long.
me: We'll be informing the SFBI that your evil activites are coming to rest.
me: You sicko.
thwem: who the hell is this?
me: Must you be aware? Anser me Nightowl! Don't test me.
me: I know people.
me: With chocolate muffin stores.
me: But that is a seperate issue
them: wat the hell r u talkin about
them: could u ust tell me who r u
them: seriously- cuz idk who the hell this is
them: and ur kinda creepin me out
me: No. You're too dangerous. If I tell you, you will use you specially trained monkey bats and kill me... Like you did to bluetoad
them: who?!!!?????
me: Has your memory been erased that far?
thwem: yes it has
me: Or you could be tricking me. You ARE hundreds of years old. You have that experience.
me: As well as the ancient ability to tap dance to nothing but the sound of chocolate crying.
them: wtf?!
me: Now, I know that that eagle molesting you at the age of three was devastating, to say the least, but you can't take it out on the world.
me: Your rein ends now.
me: No answer now, eh
me: ?
them: idk wat ur tellin me
them: who the heck r u?
thenm: NO I DONT
me: You are begining to frustrate me, Nightowl.
me: After all these years, you won't just quietly be cuaght
me: caught*
them: who r u?
them: seriously i want a name
them: and not some code name
nme: If you must know, I suppose it's no harm, since you already DO
me: It is Yuna Porter from the SFBI
me: Yes, we finally found you
them: wtf is the sfbi?
me: The special FBI unit that deals with criminals like YOU.
them: wtf did i do?

Auto response from them: takin a shower
then ill b bak

im outtiee

me: A "shower"?

Auto response from them: takin a shower
then ill b bak

im outtiee

me: Oh, a shower of innocent blood?1
me: I'll catch you yet.

IM Two:
c: ok if andrea thinks your creepy your cool in my books
me: Who are you??
c: funny i have the same question for you
c: im andreas *friend*
c: so im just curious who you are
me: You could be a double agent, working for the Nazi2s.
me: I can't trust you.
c: ok
c: well do you go to tg
c: cause if you dont then telling you my anme wont do you any good
me: If by TG you mean the secret code which stands for the eating of rabid squirrel intestine, then yes.
me: You too?
me: The froth gives it such a charming flavor.
c: tg as in toll gate highschool
me: Oh
me: Then disregard those last comments
c: ok its all good
me: And YOU!
me: Are you the pinkrubberduckthing?!@
c: well for the note this is alex dicicco
c: do you know me or who i am
me: .....Are you a boooy?
c: ya
c: ok this is going nowhere if you dont know who i am
c: i only want to know who you are so i can commend you about creeping out andrea dickson aka them
c: cause im not a fan of hers
me: I bet you are a friend she told to check this out.
c: hahah
c: she thinks im her friend
c: she drives me insane
me: What organization do you work for?
me: And do you have a girlfriend?
c: no i dont
c: and i dont work for any organization
me: Hmmmm..... VERY interesting.
me: I enjoy long walks on the beach, catching cold hearted criminals, eating rabid animal intestine, and the occassional book.
me: I think we can make this work
c: besides if i told andrea who you are then you can just show her what i said
c: hahah i agree
me: We should meet. I can fill you in on the SFBI. And we can eat animal intestine together in the moonlight
me: <3
me: ?!
me: Why do you not answer?!
me: Have I scared you away?!
c: sry
c: haha no
me: <3 Goood
c: i still dont know who you are
me: You have beautiful eyes
c: thanx
me: Your welcome
c: and how do you know this???
me: I'm watching you.
c: oooooo
c: you have beautiful teeth
me: Really?
c: o ya
me: I get that a lot.
c: lol
me: And you have beatiful.......... Hands, too
c: why thanx
me: Your so welcome
c: i think you have a beautiful name
me: I can imagine them hunting down a housedog and eating it with your bare hands
me: Really?
me: I'm flattered
me: Most people have run away by now
me: I think I love yiu
me: you*
c: likewise
me: This is so touching
me: I'll remember this day for the rest of my life
c: likewise
me: When we are married and have 15 children
me: That we have converted into slaves
c: YAY
c: my life long dream
me: Same here, man.
me: Same here.
me: Okay, my little blossom of deep desire and scarecrow wings. I will greet you again... Prehaps very soon.
me: Do not forget me!
c: ok
c: but wait
c: what is thou name
me: ?
me: I cannot disclose that information at this time/
me: Just call me Yuna for ne
me: now*
c: ok Yuna
me: And I have one final question for YOU.
me: Are you gay?
c: no
c: ....
me: Okay
me: .....
me: Just making sure
me: ......
me: Awkward.
c: ok
c: hahaah

Audra Connolly
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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 07:01pm

    0.o ...

    Community Member

    Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 08:17pm

    The first one was funny though.

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