Nyaphlaire Uchiha can be one of two people. She can be 15 year old Nya who misses her family, loves (cousin like, not romantic) her cousin Sasuke, and wants to kill Itachi. She's sad, friendly, and is extremely powerful.
 Or she can be 17 year old Nyaphlaire who wants nothing to do with Sasuke, is an Akatsuki member, and is Itachi's Gf. She 's a royal b***h, is extremely powerful, and is slightly insane.
 Either way, she's extremely powerful, which has to do with her ribbons. At age 5, Nyaphlaire found out that she was possesed by a demon when a tiger attacked her in the woods. She tore it apart with her bare hands, and without willing that to happen. She hastily told her parents, who took her to a preist. He trapped the demon inside the ribbons which she was wearing at the moment. She can't take the ribbons of for more then 6 hours, or she can't move at all. By the end of 12 hours, she will have died. When her ribbons are cut, some part of her is damaged. one ribbon to each arm, one ribbon to each leg, one to her torso, and one that controls her blood and chakra. The ribbons grow with her, and speak in her mind. she answers, calling them 'Mica' the demon is the two tailed cat demon. (she's hunted by the Akatsuki if she's good.) Some people see her as insane, (which is true for when she's evil) but she justs answers the voice of her demon, which oten calms both of them down. Her brother died when she was 7, and her father left them when she was 8. Her mother died a little bit after that, leaving her to care for her two younger sisters. Her little sisters constantly demand that she do Ninjutsus for them, since they have no Ninja skills whatsoever.
For Nyaphlaire the Akatsuki Member, she met Itachi when she collapsed in the woods after using to much Chakra to train. She and him fell in love, and they shared the frustrations with the clan. So she readily joined him when he slaughtered the entire clan. She especially love killing her little sisters. The ring she wears is silver, and has the word 'Impossibilty' on it.
For Nya the lonel one, She was sent off to a school in a seperate village by her Aunt,(Sasuke's Mom) not long after her mother died. She stayed at that village until the Chunin exams, in which they traveled for Konaha. She was devistated by the news of her clans death, which she got a year after she entered the acadamy. She met Sasuke at the Chunin exams, and they became close. (They are family, I'm no fan girl of Sasuke. I HATE him.)
Nyaphlaire · Wed Nov 08, 2006 @ 11:15pm · 0 Comments |