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The life of a stellar kitty
I will probably be complaining about school
I just woke up, it's 7:10 and I don't want to start getting ready mostly because once I take a shower my day will start. Or maybe it's already started? I have an exam tonight. The class is very interesting, it just sucks because it's kinda tough (graduate level). There are about 5 senior undergrads taking the class as well, and we're all struggling. I probably have a B right now, and I don't like getting B's in a class that falls under my major. But anyway, the test is tonight and I don't know how prepared I am. If only my load weren't so bad this semester, I got myself into more than I could handle. Differential Equations, Linear Programming, Theory of Computation, Systems Programming and Database Implementation. I could probably pull off an A somehow in the last 3 and Bs in the first two. I guess I just have to keep working for it. Study study study.

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